
Our Family

We were able to get a new picture of our family the other day. We actually took it a couple weeks ago but it's just taken this long to get it. I don't recommend setting appointments at 5:30 when you've got a 14 month old. We didn't get started until 6:30. So at that point, after taking a few pictures, Emma was gone. On the way home, she screamed the whole ride. And when she gets upset, she chokes, gags and eventually throws up. So did that again and again the whole time. So i'm just glad they turned out good!

Apartment Approval!

Well, we've received some great news. Saddle Ridge has finally contacted us with the results of our application. We were approved! The apartment will be available around Dec. 1st so we've now got lots to do and plan before that time...which is only like a week or 2 away. Right now, we are staying with Joe's parents for THanksgiving. Thanks to the wonderful world of email, i've been able to pass the news around about the move and our need of boxes and cleaning. So lots of people have been very helpful. We will either come home Sat. or Sun night, and then it will begin! Everything is happening so fast!! I just hope all our planning comes through and that we will be in our new place before Christmas break breaks. Well, hope to hear from anyone of ya'll soon!

Allergic Reaction

Last night, we got a scare during dinner. I had mixed pasta with several cheeses, bacon and eggs. Emma now eats what we eat and everything is pretty safe. But as she was eating her pasta, she would frequently rub her face and eyes, as all babies do around that time of day. As i'm getting her ready for bed, I notice red bumps forming all over her face, particularly around her eyes and nose. And when she'd rub her eyes, it seemed to get one of her eyes got swollen. So I grab Joe and we figure it must have been the egg in the mixture. I guess it wasn't completely cooked maybe? but anyways, I called my pediatrician, finally getting through to her and she told me to give her some benadryl. When she had trouble breathing is when we go to the ER but luckily she was fine. But that scared me! That was the first time that has happened and i'm sure glad Joe was home. It seems he always calms me down in times like that. Well, today is another fun fun day. I will probably head out to Hobby Lobby soon. But i'm hoping that the Saddle Ridge apartments will call soon so we can get a better idea of what is going on in the next couple of weeks. We might be moving to another apartment (much better deal!) But they've messed up on our application and supposedly we will be able to move in Dec. 1 but that's so soon! So hopefully i'll be able to talk to you about all our worries. WEll talk to you all later!

Emma is a finalist

At the beginning of Nov. We got a exciting email saying that Emma was one of the finalists in a recent sweepstakes with Gerber Organic Foods. What I had to do was download a picture of her and then everyday for a month input 5 upc codes from organic baby food, which I did. What happened is sometime after that, they randomly picked 50 in each category and then from there, the judges then picked 10 from each group. That's where Emma is right now. I was thinking it was only the 50 but today I read that she is one of the 10! I guess it didn't hit me till now! I'm just shocked and excited all in one. Emma is beautiful to me, of course but its good to see that others think so too!

Nov. 15th

Well, this week is crazy busy. I hosted a book club tonight and that was really fun. Jaime, Hillery, Bobbi and Jill came to discuss the book for all of 5 minutes and then we talked about everything else for the next hour and a half. So that was fun. Tomorrow i'm invited to a baby shower. Friday we are going to a surprise party for someone in the ward. Saturday, i'm hosting a baby shower for my bestest friend Jaime :) I think i'll be really fun. She's going to love it!
So Emma is becoming the turd these days. She blows up way too easy. Like she finds a pen on the ground (my bad for allowing it) and so I take it away and she immediately falls to the floor and start balking and crying. My patience is growing thin!! But then an hour later, we are playing a heavy game of peekaboo for like an hour. She is so cute!!