
ZImmerman Fun Family Facts

My lovely friend, Jaime, has tagged me for "Family Facts" So i'm going to try to do it as good as she did. But before I forget, I'm tagging Cairen, Katie, Jami B., Kristen S. and Chelsea S. to do this! I can't wait to find out more about your families!

Here it goes, oldest to youngest.

Joseph Daniel Zimmerman:
-Born Aug. 10 1979 in Grants Pass, Oregon.
-Oldest of nine kids, 8 boys and 1 girl
-At 2 months old, his dad could balance him standing on his hands.
-He mainly grew up in Port Neches, TX
-He loved playing sports, especially baseball. He was the fastest and best athlete. They would call him "Smokin' Joe"
-Attended BYU and graduated in Biology with Dental School in mind.
-Completely ignored his wonderful wife for the first 2 weeks of marriage to study for the DAT (Probably a good thing since he got a miraculous score that allowed us to come to SATX!).
-Got married 3 days after turning 25.
-Can do a standing back-flip...which he did on our first date..I think that's what won me over ;)

Lyssa Beth (Terry) Zimmerman
-Born Dec. 9th 1983 in American Fork, Utah
-Lived in Canada for 6 years of my life.
-Have never broken a bone :)
-Learned to ride my bike the first time I tried.
-Grew up in Highland, UT, attended and graduated from Lone Peak High School (with honors)
-Attended BYU, graduating in 3 years in English...but wishes now that I'd have graduated in something complete different!
-Got married when I was 20.
-I have eyes that change color with what I wear.
-I played obsessively with Barbies what I was younger.

Emma Beth Zimmerman
-Born Sept. 20th 2005 in San Antonio, TX
-Weighted 7.4 lbs and 19 1/2 inches long.
-Had a mini-mullet the first year of her life
-Looks like a spittin' image of her Dad (check his picture and hers if you don't believe me!)
-From her dad, she got beautiful dimples, BIg eyes and LONG eyelashes.
-She was walking at 10 months.
-She was a "Top Ten Finalist" in the Organic Gerber Baby Sweepstakes. Her picture was featured on the website (I still think she should have won!)
-Her favorite toy is and has been this teal-colored Easter dog she got for her first Easter. She has to take it everywhere!!
-She is very very energetic.
-She has a shoe fetish...ask anyone...
-As of now, all she says all day are numbers. She jumps and runs in circles. She MUST put the pacifier into Kate's mouth alone. And she loves doing animal impressions.

Kate Olivia Zimmerman
-Born July 20th, 2007 in San Antonio, TX
-Weighed 8.4 lbs and 18 1/2 inches long.
-She too has dimples. On her left cheek, she has 2 dimpes side-by-side.
-She resembles me rather than Joe. She picked up my eyes and nose.
-She's our fatty baby right now. She's in the 90th % in both height and weight. She's 11 1/2 lbs right now!!
-She smiled (an actual smile) at 3 weeks.
-She has LOTS of gas.
-She can hold up her head really high already to look up at me when she's on my stomach.
-She has really good eye coordination already.
-She holds conversations with me with cooing and mini-laughs. Just very alert and knows what is going on.
-She's absolutely an easy baby to read and understand. I love her so much and so glad she's now apart of our family!!

Welcome home lil' Brother!

This is my family! From L to R back: Jenny, who came out for a week after Kate was born and saved me from insanity!!, Michael, who is a Junior in HS, Sister-in-Law Natalie and her son Collin, Jake and daughter Abby, Dad and Mom. L to R Front: Katie holding her son Carter, JC holding Kindra, Katie's daughter.

Sister Jenny with Niece Kindra. SO cute!

Little Brother's JC & Mike. Mike is 5 years younger but taller!! wha wha wha

My brother is home! After two years serving an LDS mission in Brazil, John-Charles, JC for short, came home! It was such a relief to have him home safe and sound! I sadly missed out on the family festivities in Utah while i'm here in San Antonio but I was able to talk to him on the phone once they got home from the airport. I got these pictures from my sister, Katie, who gladly oblidged to take lots of pics for me. JC and I have always been close since i'm the closest sibling for him. We're about 2 1/2 years apart. We've had some good times growing up and I love him so much! I'll be coming home to Utah at Christmas and i'm so excited for him to see me and my growing family. He's hasn't seen or met any of my kids so it'll be really fun!
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My Two Beautiful Girls


Yesterday was the 20th which meant Kate is 1 month old and Emma is 23 months old!! It's nice having both of their birthdays on the 20th so I know how old both of them are since they are 22 months apart. Another breakthrough is that I ventured out of the house yesterday and today! I dropped off some stuff at friends and then went to the bank yesterday. Today I finally went to my home away from home, Hobby Lobby! It was so nice! I had to get a file bin for my file folder games and of course some added extras that were on sale :) I'm pretty proud of myself for having the courage to go into a store with 2 kids. Baby steps though. I'm not even trying the grocery store for a while. But this past weekend I took some pics of the kids since it around the 20th. Also my mom back in Utah wanted some single pics of the girls for her walls since my brother is coming home tomorrow? I think? From his mission! I"m so sad I won't be there but it's just nice he's home and safe. So anyways, got some cool pics of the girls and They are so beautiful and wonderful. Emma is warming up to Kate slowly. She always kisses her head and tries to stick the pacifier in her mouth if she's's really funny. But then when kate is asleep with the pacifier in her mouth, Emma will come and pull it drives me crazy! But I'm just so happy and blessed with them. And it helps that life is slowly getting back to normal.



Here's Kate trying the Zebra...she wants to be just like Emma :)
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4 things about me

Thanks Jill for tagging me on this! I was beginning to think that no one was going to tag me :( tear tear...but anyways, I'm not even going to think about it. I"m just going to write them all down right now as they come to me :)

4 Jobs I've had:
1 .Blimpies
2. Icings by Claires
3. BYU Creamery on Ninth
4. BYU Copy Center in the SWKT building

4 Movies I can watch anytime:
1. Sixteen Candles
2. Practical Magic
3. Napleon Dynamite
4. LOTR movies

4 Places I have lived:
1. Burlington, Ontario in Canada
2. London, England
3. Rexburg, ID
4. San Antonio, TX

4 TV Shows I love:
1. The Office
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Roswell
4. The Bachelor

4 Favorite Foods:
1. Apples
2. Icre Cream
3. Pineapple and Cottage Cheese
4. Potato Rolls

4 Places I'd Rather Be:
1. Oh some Beach, some where....
2. Highland, Utah, especially since my brother is coming home from his mission this week!!
3. In my bed sleeping
4. In a spa, getting the full treatment

4 WEbsites I visit Daily:
1. Gmail
2. Blogs
3. HObby Lobby
4. Craigslist

4 People to Tag:
1. Maggie
2. Cairen
3. Katie
4. Elizabeth J.
(I don't know if you've been previously tagged so if you have, just ignore!)

7 Facts about me!

Here's another picture of Kate before I get into things...

Well forever ago, Jaime tagged me to do 7 facts about me so I'm finally getting it on here! Like everyone else, it was hard to think of 7 things so some of them are in desperation!

#1 Oh Canada! My family moved to Canada when I was one and I lived there for 6 years.

#2 I repeated 2nd was because of the move from Canada and the school systems were off...I promise I was not stupid!!

#3 My first kiss was when I was 14. It was during a stake dance out on the baseball fields...I know, scandelous! And yes, Maggie was there that night to back me up on this one...holy crap was that almost 10 years ago?!?

#4 I have a "blankie" which is actually a quilt that I made when I was like 10. I can't sleep with out it!

#5 I was brought home from the hospital in a red and white striped stocking since I was born in December.

#6 I almost died from drowning when I was 4 at a church pool party. Luckily, there was a nurse in our ward who was persuaded by the spirit to come. If she had not gone, I probably would have died :(

#7 The origin of my name is quite comical. When my mom was pregnant with me, her and my dad went to a movie called,'s pretty much the typical 80's fantasy sci-fi movie...But in the movie, there is a Princess Lyssa. So my mom really liked it. The actress who played the princess, her real name is Lysette so it's just interesting how my name came about. If anyone is interested in watching the fast-paced thrill movie, Krull, I'll let you borrow it :)

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#2 is greater than #1

It is a universal truth that the second child in the family is bigger or larger than the first child. I mean, think if all the families with 2's so true!! And my family is also apart of that truth as well. Not only was Kate a pound larger at birth than Emma but the growing doesn't stop there. At her 2 week apointment, Kate passed her birthweight and came out at 9 lbs 6 oz!! She's in the 90% in weight. In height, she grew 2 1/2 inches!! Also 90%. Compare that to Emma, who barely got back to her birthweight at 2 weeks at 7 lbs 6 oz and grew an inch. And Emma was usually just around the 50 % most of her first year. So we'll see what happens to our "little" Kate this year. But I can't complain. I love chubby babies :) She's so adorable!!

So luckily, Joe's family let us borrow their digital camera for the time being until we get a new one so I was able to take some pics of Kate and of the blessing day. Here they are:

And we can't forget a picture of Emma:


I know, I know...I swore I'd never be the type that would cut blogging out of my daily routine but lately, that has been the case. I've honestly had no time for "me" these days. Once Emma goes down for bed, it's trying to get Kate to sleep and fed. Then I drive myself crazy trying to clean up ( I know, people tell me not to worry about housework but I don't work that way! I hate going to bed with a messy house!) So once everything is picked up, then I get ready for bed, knowing that i'll be woken up by Kate twice for eatin' time. And then the day repeats again...and's all the same. I think i'm developing Cabin Fever, like my sister Jenny. She was down here for the week following Kate's birth and she was going insane being cooped up inside with Emma, Kate and I. So I've just been slowly getting used to the "2 kid" life and doing baby steps into the outside world.

Friday night, Joe's family came into town and stayed at the Stephen's for Michael Glenn's wedding. He's Joe's best friend so Joe was able to go to the temple wedding Saturday while his family hung out here to visit with us. That night, Joe's brothers house-sat our apartment while Joe, Kate and I went to the reception up in Boerne. It was sooo nice to get out and actually see the outside world! We blessed Kate this past Sunday since Joe's family and friends were in town for Joe's best friend's wedding. So it was really nice and Joe did a great job blessing her. It was really special. We then went to the Stephen's, who are friends of the family, for a early dinner. It was really nice of them to host that for everyone.

So sadly, our camera broke last week so that explains the lack of pictures in the post. We are currently researching camera's, find one I like. If any of you have suggestions or favorites, let me know! Well I've got to go since Kate is having a hernia over with she won't stop crying!! AHHH!