
Blueprint sketches Los

These are from Blueprint Sketches. It's a fun oen!

Here's a card I did for a baby shower!

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my little beauties

It had been awhile since i've taken some pictures of Emma and Kate so here they are. Their room has great lighting there so they just play or look at the window while I take pictures

Let's Rodeo San Antonio!

THis past Monday, the Rodeo was around and it was Dollar Days, so we took advantage since Joe didn't have school! And luckily, we can now say that we've been to the rodeo in San Antonio!
Girls eager to get there...I htink I heard the word "animal" at least a hundred times!
This was at the Donkey "exhibit" I was scared to take a pic with them and donkeys...fear of kicking!
There were little pig races! The girls loved them..

Merry Go Round! I have never seen Emma this excited and happy in. my. life. This was after the ride, but let me tell you, I was laughing so hard from her laughing.

Kate was a little cautious but she loved it too.

Joe was present and I took a pic but he did his signature "blink" move...
Emma's first time trying out Cotton Candy...not really liking it. But we ran into the Smith's (both families) & Ellis's, so that was nice. Their kids all looked "cowboy'd" up. THis was after we had our $1 hotdogs..YUM

Petting Zoo!

Um, not quite working there...Emma was freaking out because...huh, I dont know why...maybe that's why I get so frustrated?!

Emma loved these wooden picture shots but she'd go on the wrong we had to get her straight

Some cute little chicks with my cute little chick

Kate loved walking around and looking at the animals

GOt this shot as we were walking out. It was a fun day with the family! It definitely gets better as the girls get older and know what's going on!