
Easter Sunday and Box Pictures

Easter Sunday photo. Did this before church so you can understand the rush job. Oh well. For some reason, don't care. But my family is precious and I am so grateful for them.
I took these today and loved how they turned out. I love the simple things in life, like the girls playing with an empty box. It was too funny.

Monthly Report

What?! A New Post?! I know, I really do miss blogging. Blogger and I have a love/hate relationship but we'be been through so much together. It's hard to just give her up completely. But she's so high maintenance! It takes so much time! I am so not high maintenance so it's a hard adjustment. But I do like the journaling aspect because heaven knows I don't with a pen and paper!

So this is going to be a long post, so just be ready. This is a catch up of the past month and a bit.

At the beginning of March, we went camping with some friends. It was a great weekend for it. It might have been too warm because I didn't use a blanket really at night. The girls had exploring and this was right before I started getting sick so it was perfect timing.

We finally invested in camping gear because this is something we like doing as a family.
FYI, Academy does have the best deals on Tents and chairs!

Thought this pic was cute, heading down to the river. Emma grabbed Kate's hand and were walking down together!

Kate's become very Environmentally Conscious, as you can see

Kate's just at a fun age where she'll comment or tell me everything she sees. It's a fun age to me.

The next few were taken down by the river.

And here's the stomping ground for breakfast. Thinking about what we ate that morning makes me very it was a good thing I wasn't sick on this outing or it would have been bad...

Spring Break was a few weeks ago and decided to head to Joe's parents for a bit so they could see the girls again before we move further away from them.
Mornings were great when they went back to bed...but Hercules had to be on TV for them to sit still.

There were some great days out there! The girls loved to play on the Trampoline.

Kate is such a cuddler, I love it.

Emma loved to jump!

THey found and caught a lizard and Emma was so excited to hold it. Poor thing. By the end, I think he died...from being man-handled so much. He was left with no tail poor thing!

THis past Saturday, our apartment complex had their annual Easter Egg Hunt so the girls had such a fun time doing that.


And there's a lovely girl in our Ward who started teaching Dance class for 3 year olds. It's a test run so for now, it's free and that's always good. Nanci also teaching 2 year olds too. It's so fun watching them attempt to do moves. Look at Emma's 1st position...too cute. Thanks Nanci for doing this. Emma asks about dance class on a daily basis. Plus, Emma is just so stinkin' cute in a "reatard" Emma likes to call it.

Other than that, we're just anticipating Joe finishing up on the 21st, packing up our whole house, visiting Las Vegas to look for housing, Graduation and driving to LV and living there for a year. More to come ;)