
Things I like Journal

I thought this was a cute idea, to do with yourself and your kids when they get older!
It's a journal that you record your favorite things, whether it's by drawing, collaging, writing, scrapping it, whatever!
I got the idea from The Mama Dramalogues. And then I remembered my sister Jenny, did this for one of her english classes in college. It was really cool to see her pages. And what a great flow for creativity!

And over at The Mama Dramalogues, they are giving away a handmade journal! Look how cute with the owl?

It all started 4 years ago...


Emma was born.
4 years?!
PS-this post is 4 years long too...
Where is my little baby girl?

Well she is not here. Emma is officially a little girl and is having quite the time.

I am such a nice mom and took a picture of her as I opened her door...I love when kids have the morning's so cute!

I made her pancakes and fruit with whip cream...yummy.

Next was opening presents. Just ignore everyone's tired was about 8 AM when she opened her present.
Also, ignore the sad attempt she has made to have a "blue dress" or in other words, a 1980's's hideous and so glad she received a replacement today...

She was SO SO excited about this gift...her beloved Blue Cinderella Dress.
again, so excited..
She opened the rest of her, blue slippers, wand and earrings, and a Cinderella Ballerina barbie that I got for $5, brand new!
ha haa oh don't worry, I walked in and found her like this, just staring at herself in the mirror...vain much?

She then preceded to ask Joe, "Daddy, will you dance with me outside?"
I just started laughing...where does she come up with this?!...oh right, she's in her fantasy Cinderella life...

Can't forget about Kate..."Kate's Turn!" as Kate likes to say...

Next, we headed off to church. But only after declining Emma's offer to wear her outfit to church.

Next was getting her cake ready. I had asked her what kind of cake she wanted..."Cinderella Cake!"
So it was either a normal cake where I would have to draw her face on it or attempt this...and attempt I did!
Check out the tutorial here on how to assemble :)

Singing time! Don't you love where I put the candles...where do you put them on the dress?!

Not too bad considering that this was the first time to made this type of looks alot harder than it is...and don't you love the fake Cinderella barbie doll I got from the .99 store?!

I honestly don't know where her obsession of Cinderella came from. We never watch that movie. The only "princess" movies we've watch lately has been Enchanted...and that's it! She has a few "Disney Princess" items and just got a Princess backpack but that's it. it was only a few weeks ago that he started wanting a "big blue dress like Cinderella"...i am still confused. I don't care what people say, girls are naturally programed to want things like this! There was zero pushing from now, she is Cinderella crazed. But it's fun to indulge since she's never been into anything like this...and maybe i've gone too far..she honestly thinks she is Cinderella. She has been wearing that attire ALL day and sing Cinderella songs as she dances around the's just too funny. Emma has definitely made life, life!
At this age, she loves princesses, preschool, cutting, coloring, helping me make stuff in the kitchen, helping her little sister to play in the backyard, or the forest, as she likes to put it,

She is becoming so smart and talking a lot more in just the past few months.
She has always been social and continues to amaze and embarrass me ;)
She loves to play with friends and considers any kids at the park "friends"
I am so grateful that she is apart of my family and that I can continue to love her and be her best friend.
Happy Birthday Sweetie.

And here I am, 34 weeks along. Seriously ready to be done. And waiting for the weather to cool down too...any time mother nature!

I finally invested in a straightener and just glad that I did my hair today... and who knows the next time...;) I am posing for Joe here since he likes my hair straight..trying to get a decent pic....if that is even possible when this pregnant!

Help me win $1000

I submitted a photo that I took of my daughter, Kate and my sister Jenny to a photo contest that represents "summer". It's one of the finalists. The photo contest has been going on since the 9th of sept. so i'm a little behind but it goes until the 22nd. You can only vote once and there can't be any cheating of any kind.

But I would love your help in voting for the photo. I could win $1000!!

So i'm on my knees, pretty pretty please,
Just go here right now and vote!

Here's the photo that i'm taking about.
Any help from you out there would be greatly appreciated! Anything from telling family, blogging, facebooking, tweeting etc etc...would greatly help!!

My Grandpa Terry

A week ago, my Grandpa Terry passed away. It was definitely bittersweet. He has had health problems for a long time and as each year passed, he seemed to get worse and less coherent. It was hard to see him that way when I know only a years before, he was his happy, hard-working self. He was a wonderful Grandpa. Our family was blessed to live 10 minutes away from their home so we went and visited pretty much every Sunday. Sadly, my Grandma Terry passed away almost 10 years ago. Her passing was really hard on everyone since it was all of the sudden. And so my Grandpa Terry has been hanging in there alone for this whole time. I know when he passed, that the first person he was re-united with was his sweetheart. He will be truly missed but I know he is in a much happier place.

His funeral was beautiful. I am proud to say that he served his country in World War II so they did a short pause of silence as the flag was folded. It was nice to hear my dad's and uncle's memories of my Grandpa Terry when they were younger. It opened up a whole new perspective on how his life was and the example he was to his kids, who in turn, molded me and my generation. I am grateful for his hard-working, balanced example. As I heard about his life, I realized it reflected a lot of how my Dad has been growing up and who he is now. I just makes me appreciate those that have gone on before us who were honest, loving and full of integrity.

Here are some pictures of the service.

The Dandelions were all the craze with the kids..but it kept them entertained.
It was a special weekend and glad that I was able to come up and spend time with family.