
And so it begins...

Well, it's already here.
The transition has already begun.
I don't know where the time went!
The last week has been busy with packing everything, as well as packing our suitcases for UT.
Joe's sister, Camilla, came into town a little over a week ago to help.
Thank Goodness for siblings, I tell you what.
Me, Camilla and the kids left yesterday to UT around 10 am. We were doing good until the dreaded Gorge.
The back left tire became flat.
I looked at my phone. No service.
I ask Camilla if her phone has service.
I get out of the van and walk around and do a test call to Joe. I am seriously crying inside but trying to be strong for the kids since they obviously know what is going on while they are watching The Incredibles...cough cough
No but seriously, I was so scared and nervous.
But thank goodness where we ended up getting a flat. There ended up having service. We were almost out of the gorge, maybe 5 minutes from St. George.

here's how my phone call went with Joe:
"Hey how's it going?"
"Well we are in the canyon on the side of the road with a flat tire."
"Yep, the back driver's side. Good thing we put those tires in the back. Wanted to try calling you to see if I had service because my phone is saying otherwise."
"I can't believe that it's flat. It was in such good condition."
"Ya, it looked like it."
"How are the kids?"
"We have the car running so they don't die of heat or entertainment. They are watching a movie. They have no idea what's going on. But I need to call Roadside Assistance now."
"K call me later."
So I called roadside assistance. they told me Tri-City Tow Service would be there in about 20-30 minutes.
Well an hour later, there was still no sign of help.
I tried calling the company but service kept cutting in and out.
And my phone was going to die any second.
But apparently, the company had no idea what vehicle they were looking for. Geico forgot to mention that little tidbit of information.
And I guess there were like 3-4 other cars in need of help too that day. So the service car went back and forth, trying to find us.
It finally found us. And the poor lady only had manual tools, no easy, electric automatic stuff. Just old school tools, so it took her another 40 minutes to change it.
I felt bad because really, I know hoe to change a tire.
But I didn't want to do it.
And I figured who ever came to help would have better equipment and get the job done fast.
So after all was said and done. we were out of there about 2 hours after the incident.
LUckily, Walmart was about 5 miles away. There was only a 35 minute wait to get some new tires on.
So instead of getting into UT at 4, we got in at 6:30.
Can I say that I am grateful for cell phones when they have service?
So now we are here. Gearing up for a fun week with family.
Joe is back in Vegas, packing up the kitchen and the garage. He'll be loading the rental on Monday night. He'll be cleaning the house Tuesday morning.
He'll be heading straight up to WA on WEdnesday morning. He'll be getting into Pasco Thursday afternoon. He'll unload the truck Thursday evening. And he will then be unpacking until we show up on Sunday.

I am so grateful for my husband. I already miss him. I missed him BIG when we were in the canyon, stuck on the side of the road. THings just feel safer when he is around. He is much more confident with situations like that.
It'll be a super reunion on Sunday night. Not only will I see him again, but I will finally see our rental...dun dun DUN.

Commence Insanity

I really hate moving.
I really hate packing.
I really hate having to keep my house really clean for potential tenants.
Someone just turn in an application already!
The owners will give us $600 if we find new renters. So along with the million things I need to do, I am trying to find new tenants. We've had a lot of interest but no biting yet. boo!

Moving day for me is the 26th.
Me, Camilla (joe's sister) and the kids will leave to UT and spend a few days there. Not sure for how long. Camilla is awesome and will be my driving buddy the whole time, all the way to WA.
There is no way i would be able to drive solo with 2 crazies and a nursing baby for 14+ hours.

Joe will stay in Vegas and help clean and do touch-ups...aka-operation: get deposit back.
He will leave here the morning of the 30th and head straight up to WA.

About a week ago, we finally signed a lease on a rental. Not our favorite home. But we didn't have a lot of options. Their rental market is poop. It is bigger than the home we are in now by 150 sq. ft but it's still 3 bedrooms.

I was hoping for 4, to keep Luke and the girls in separate rooms...but I am going to brave it out and try my hand at putting all 3 kids in 1 room...crazy, right? I hope it works out...seriously, I don't know what else I will be able to do!

Luckily, we signed for a 6 month lease. I am praying that we can find a better option at that point.

Right now, our house is chaos! I wish I could pack some more but the rest of the stuff are things that are necessary to live. So the last week will be even worse...
all I can say is bring it!!

It is just hard to believe in 3 weeks, I will be in WA, unpacking!


I am in that mode of trying to get all my thoughts out so I can stay sane and organize them.
could you tell?!

Sunday Best

So I like projects.
I like to stay busy in my down time or I get bored and unproductive.

My latest project was for the girls.
I got some pillowcases from my mom that belonged to my Grandma. I got them about a year ago and knew instantly that I wanted to make them into pillowcase dresses. But I wasn't wild about the common pillowcase dress going around so I waited...
Waited after Luke was born...
waited after the holidays...
Waited until I had some inspirations from other sources....
waited until a month before we move.

I love how they turned out.
I love how they look on my girls!
I also made up their hair clips from the scrap fabric from the dress.
I am really proud of myself because, well, you see, I have been in a slump since Luke has been born.

I think that's been a big challenge for me.
After luke was born, I was left with no desire, drive or motivation to do anything...anything that I usually enjoyed doing.
Very frustrating.
So glad I found it again....but now must be put away since we are moving...I think that is a sign of procrastination? hmm?

Random Times

It is the random times that are always the best. These were taken in the past couple of weeks. The weather is nice and hot now so we are outside a lot more.
The kids love outside!

Luke loves his Daddy, fo' Sho'!

He is starting to follow me too. It's just too cute.
And his favorite places to play? On the tile, next to the bathroom.
I don't know why...must be a happenin' place or something because he always ends up over the door and by stairs! Gate up stat!

Girls love to settle down for bed and read :)

Want to know more about me?

Well if you do, and I know you do, then head over to

Today's my big day over there.
I answered 5 questions and she has posted my answers.
This blog is really cool. Anyone is invited to participate. Actually she WANTS everyone to participate so she doesn't run out of days and people.
All you do is email her and she'll send you a list of questions. You pick 5 to answer and email them back with pictures and then you will get your big day!

It's really fun getting to know other bloggers. So please play!


Anyways, go check it out!

Getting to know me

So I have to let you guys in on an awesome site:


5 Questions : Getting to know you

THis blog is such a fun and fantastic idea!
Kennan is the mastermind behind it. She interviews bloggers like you, having them answer 5 questions and posts them on the blog. So every blogger gets his/her day!

And tomorrow is my day!

So if you want to know a bit about me or if you already know me but want to know more, then head on over there!

And she is constantly looking for bloggers (like you) to participate! her goal is to get to know ALL!

So head on over there, check it out and email her so you can be next!

Family Portrait

Emma amazes me!
I love her drawings. Her main inspirations are princesses but one Sunday, she changed things up a bit.
She drew our family during class in church.
How cute is that?
L to R:
Joe holding LUke (The orange blob, haa ha nice)
Me in the red
Kate in the pink
Emma in purple.

My favorite? besides midget Kate? the shoes. I love our high heels.

Yoga Extradonaire

This little guy is on a mission.

To make my life that much more stressful!
I thought I would be safe before we moved to deal with this but he is convinced otherwise.
I mean, look at that form!
The past few weeks, he has been all over the place. Just last week, he aced the crawl.
And yesterday? He started going up the stairs...

What are we going to do with you LUke?
Probably kiss and hug you to DEATH!
I love this kid.

A much needed car wash

After we drove to WA a month ago, our van w as in serious need of a wash....can you imagine how many bugs were smashed on that thing?
too many.
I was seriously embarrassed to drive up to church...that's how bad it was.
So a few Saturday's ago, we hit the buckets and took care of business.

This girls had FUN washing the car. They scrubbed to their hearts content.
They were especially excited that they were able to wear their swim suits. it was so hot!

We ended up washing the car as well.
They are both so sparkling now!

And we all got a little sun and lots of popsicles.