RAK giveaway!

Well after heading to one of the thrift stores in town, I wasn't able to find anything cool.
So I found things in my craft room that won't disappoint!

SO it's giveaway time!
Want to win this?

Perfect for Valentines day...for next year   haahaa
I know, I am a little late.  But they are just so darn cute.
How could you not want this in your stash?

So to be eligible to enter, do the following and leave a comment after each thing:

1- Follow the blog
2-  "Like" on Facebook
3- Follow me on Twitter!
Super easy to sign up with these wonderful links ;)

So if you have 3 chances to win!

This will end next Friday at noon :)


Keeley said...

new to your blog but love it!

Mare said...

I'm a follower. Love your blog.

TheCrazyHouse said...

I'm following the blog on Google Reader.

ElizabethH said...

I just became a follower through GFC

Elizabeth said...

I'm following your blog :)

AubreyLaine said...

I am a follower

AubreyLaine said...

I like you on Facebook!

AubreyLaine said...

I follow you on Twitter

Amber said...

I follow your blog with google friend connect!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I like you on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

bsyb said...

Love your blog and am a new follower!

bsyb100 at gmail dot com

bsyb said...

Follow you on twitter @bsyb

bsyb100 at gmail dot com

laura said...

I follow your blog!
Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Liked you on Facebook ;)
Sharon Harmon

Jennifer Joshua said...

I'm a follower

Jennifer Joshua said...

Liked you on facebook.Love to win

malinda said...

New to your blog but really like it.

malmort01 at optonline net

HeyItskASSS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HeyItskASSS said...

Im following your blog! Love it!!


HeyItskASSS said...

"LIKED" you on facebook too! woohoo! =)

Leslie said...

Blog follower.

terri142 said...

I am now following your blog with GFC.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said...

I Like your blog on Facebook.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said...

I am now following you on twitter.(terri142)

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

stracey2010 said...

i am a gfc follower stracey2010
stracey2010 at live dot com

crystletellerday said...

im a gfc follower and a facebook fan crystletellerday@yahoo.com

Valeen said...

I follow you on GFC!

Cute blog!

sweepyhead at gmail dot com

Valeen said...

I follow you on Twitter @MaBaMom

sweepyhead at gmail dot com

Erin G said...

Following on GFC (greenup06)


Erin G said...

FB fan (Erin Greenup)


cman said...

Now following GFC.

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog. garrettsambo@aol.com

susansmoaks said...

i am a follower on gfc susansmoaks
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

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