
35 weeks

Coming to the home stretch...literally.
I think my due date is off by a month.  I don't think I can get any bigger....

Emma's Horse Party

Emma has become obsessed with horses lately, due mainly to her friend, Emmy's obsession.  So she wanted to have a horse party.  So the planning began.
Here's her simple invitation:

I think I use this chalkboard too much ;)

Party favors were small horseshoes :)

Here's her cake, exactly the way she wanted, toy horse and all.

Here's the grub:

I made this jar in like 5 minutes with a rope and hot glue around a mason jar.  I love how it turned out and is now part of my decor :)

"horse poop" as I like to call it.  I found some all sorts of recipes online but these turned out delicious.  You use the Rice Krispie Treat recipe but use Cocoa Puffs & add chocolate chips.  Very addicting.

The girls ate first then they colored their horse tails to play "Pin the Tail on the Horse" 

During our play, our neighbor brought over their horses for the girls to ride them :)  Best part of the party!

 Cake time :)

Then Present Time.

It was a great party.  Very small but it turned out better that way since I was able to control that :)  I am grateful for friends for Emma who have fun together :)  Happy Birthday Emma!

little miss 7 year old

little Miss Emma Beth turned 7 years old this year!
This year has been really eye-opening for me in regards to how big my kids are now!  Each one of them are at a stage where it makes you reflect on your life, especially as a mom.  It's too weird we are already at year 7 with this girl!
We went and celebrated at Red Robin.  She got some lovely gifts from family & friends.  Pictures from her party will be up shortly.
Super grateful for this little girl who keeps me busy but always changing for the better.
I love my Emma Beth!