
Jake's Newborn Shoot

I was able to find the energy to do some shoots of this little boy a few days after we got home from the hospital.  It is way different being on the other end of things with a newborn shoot but still taking pictures!  Its tiring!  But he did a pretty good job :)  We got the blanket as a gift and I found the bowl at the antique mall for $2. I was pretty excited about the find.
Here's Jake-Poo...

Luke & Jake.

The kids have loved having baby Jake home finally!  They have been very patient.  Luke is especially fond of his baby Jake.  He constantly love to walk over and rub his head and is always wanting to know where the baby is.  The past week, he got sick so we have to watch closely so Jake doesn't get sick.  But he's being a good sport.  I'm excited to see how these two grow up together!

Jake meets his Family.

The day after Jake arrived, the crew came by to meet Jake.  The kids were so excited to come to the hospital and hold Jake (finally!)  I love these pictures because it shows how truly happy they each were to hold him.

Our BIG family.  When did this happen?!  I swear I just had my first born...

Flattering picture of muah.  But I don't care.  how could my face not look like this after having this massive child the night before?!

My "lovely" children...

Grateful for Grandma Zimmerman to be there to help with the kids too :)

Let's see how the adjustment to 4 kids go, shall we?

Introducing Jake Ryan Zimmerman

This beautiful boy finally decided to join our family, whether he wanted to or not!
Jake Ryan Zimmerman
Nov. 9th 2012 at 11:47 pm
11 lbs 1 oz.
Birth Story to Follow....

These were taken the following morning.  He is such a sweet little boy.  After such a night, I am humbled at the  miracle of birth.  I KNOW God is very aware of each of us and our righteous desires.  He will guide us to take care of this precious baby that He has given Joe & I to take care of and love.
More pictures to come.