
Mother Dear Flip Chart

At the end of the year, I got a surprising phone call from the Bishopric that I would be getting a new calling in church.  I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Members of our church hold callings to help the members and the church function and organize ways to serve one another.  My new calling was the Primary Chorister.  I would be in charge of teaching the children, ages 3-11, music every Sunday for a total of 40 minutes.  I was so excited.  This would be my first calling in the Primary ever.  I have always been in the Relief Society.  That's where the women meet for an hour.

So throughout this year, I've taught the kids lots of songs and many more to come.  We also have opportunities to have the kids sing in Sacrament meeting, which is the first hour of church, where we listen to speakers and partake of the weekly Sacrament.   Mother's Day is one of those times.  So i've started teaching them the song called "Mother Dear".

Here is a flip chart that I made to help the kids learn the words.  I love digital because it's just so easy to create things like this to help the children quickly learn songs!

Feel free to DOWNLOAD this free printable.  This is for personal use only please!  Most images I got from the church website or Susan Fitch Designs!