
Expecting #2!

So some good news again! THis past week, we found out that I am pregnant with our second child! I'm about 8 weeks along and will be due July 15th. So we are excited! Since Wednesday, i've been feeling the dreaded morning sickness but i'm dealing with it much better this time around. So just thought i'd spread the word to whomever reads this. Take care!


  1. Hey I found your blog through Melissa...hope thats alright! It looks like things are really going well for you. Congrats on the new little one that you are expecting, how fun!

  2. LySsA?! Get out of town! I had a feeling that you were headed in that direction. I remember our conversation a few months back about having them be close in they certainly will! HOW EXCITING!!!! I am thrilled for you!

  3. Yay for more babies!!! Congratulations Lyssa! I am so excited for you! We're just waiting on our little one to arrive (I want this thing out of me!!! :))
    Hope things are going well!
    P.S. You look beautiful!


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