
Rain Fall

The past couple of days have been a little gloomy in SA. It's been colder than usual and raining a whole lot. Both Emma and I are getting over colds so I try to keep her in as much as I can but that can become difficult with a 16 month old. So luckily we have a porch with a view that she can play on whenever she needs some fresh air. And it had been ages since taking pictures of just her so I took the opportunity to get some done. The lighting was perfect too so we got some good ones. She loves to go outside and explore so the porch is perfect to have some control of where she can and can't go.


  1. okay, so Emma is adorable! I love all of these pictures you posted. Looks like you are enjoying your next place. I'd say it seems pretty ideal to have a gated in place (connected to your home) where you can let her roam. So about that morning sickness, I hope you are feeling a little better. So how far along are you and when will you find out what you are having?....hopefully it's a baby... :)
    I hope you had a great Christmas Vacation.

  2. Hello.... I miss you guys. You were like the best neighbors that I have ever had! I miss hearing Emma laugh. I never got to go home. The cancelled my flight because of the weather so I am planning for March! I hope that your family is doing well!!!


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