
Baby Shower for Hillery

Hillery's having a girl! We are so excited for you! I had alot of fun planning this shower for her. She totally deserves it! The theme of the party was a Polka Dot Party! I was pretty proud of how this invitation turned out. I think this is my best creation yet!

I got a ball design cake for the "dot" and yummy "dot" food, like cupcakes and fruit pizza. We also make chocolate-covered pretzel rods with sprinkles. The food was yummy!

We decorated with large circles, it turned out so cute.
We played fun games too, I am a sucker for games.
Hillery and her gifts. She got such cute stuff!

Here's the hostess's and Hillery:
Jaime, Jami, Hillery, Me, & Jamie!
I'm so excited for HIllery! Yeah for babies!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this "dot" themed baby shower idea. I linked to your blog through Tip Junkie. I am planning to use this idea in a shower I am throwing for a friend in a few weeks.
    I am already stumped on the invitations. What kind of clear-like paper can you print on to go over the polka dot paper? I just got back from the craft store and I have obviously bought the wrong stuff as the ink just smudges right off. Darnit.
    Any advise would be much appreciated.
    shayleenlunt at gmail dot com


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