

So we recently got a scooter from our dear friends, the Blaisdell's, who moved to Idaho :(...So we've had the helmet and gloves stored in our apartment. Emma's takin' a liking to them. So we help put it on her head and it's hilarious to see her in it.

As you can tell, it's much too big for her body. And it weighs more than her too so it's just really funny to see her try to walk and keep her balance.

We found this little trampoline in the dumpster area...I don't know why since it's in great shape so I took it and stuck it in my car. Emma loves to "jump" and "dance" on it.

And another great development is climbing. Emma has now developed a love for climbing up on things, like her changing table. So i've now had to figure out what to do so she'll understand that she can't go up there...any suggestions?


  1. that is so funny! I love how her body is so tiny compared to the helmut!
    Meika loves to climb as well, so let me know if you get any good suggestions.

  2. HOw hilarious! What a funny little girl...tiny little body with the big helmet on. It made me laugh right out loud. As for climbing no idea, I am trying to stop JAckson fun just pulling himself up to dangerous things...we haven't even reaching the climbing and I'm a nervous wreck! :)

  3. She looks hilarious in that helmet! And the climbing thing is scary! I have absolutely no idea what to do... I have a feeling there is not much you can do. If you figure out something that works, let me know so I can be prepared. Sometimes kids just like to do stuff because when it's not allowed it seems more appealing.

  4. ABSOLUTELY hilarious!! I love when little kids try on "big" clothes; it's so darn funny!!

  5. oh yeah and emma is a doll! im sure kate will be too:)

  6. lyssa i 4 weeks to go crazy!!!!!!!!!!! your a brave brave person:)


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