
For your listening ears...

I love music. And i'll admit that I have a soft spot for Techno me crazy but I love dancing to it and listening to the beat. I had to throw that out there incase the first song that plays is a techno one...But I always have a hard time figuring out all my favorite songs and bands. So if there are good songs out there you like, let me know! I'll probably add it to the playlist :) And I want to thanks Erin Smith for having this music thing on her blog so I could have it on mine :)


  1. I love the music, but I especially love all the pictures you had taken of your girls. JCPenny did a great job! I'm going to have to try there next time. I've been a little unsatified by some places, but these are awesome. I am glad to see that life is good!

  2. thanks...coldplay...scientist... makes me cry....:(

  3. Hey lyssa! Your blog is so cute! How did you get the layout how it is? And.. our last name is Craig.

  4. I love it when blog's have music. It's your own personal theme song--and you get to change it whenever you want.

  5. lyssa,,my blog is being weird? do you know why or is that that problem jamie thought would happen? can you look at it or give me jamie's info? it is all at work? thanks :(

  6. That's cool. I've seen a lot of people do this, but I'm still debating if I want to. I like it, but I know there have been times when someone has a loud song start out and it gives me a heart attack! Usually because the kids turned the speakers up without me knowing about it. With older people reading my blog too, I don't want to send anyone to the hospital:)

  7. I've been wanting to do this too. Is it easy to do? It's fun having songs to listen to while you look at blogs!

  8. I love that you put music on the blog. I have a MySpace (yeah, I'm cool like that) and it has music, so my next blog project will be music. Love it!

  9. yes lyssa I love the music and now you get to help me to get it on mine :)

  10. You are definitely going to have to teach me how to do this! It is so much fun listening to music while looking at all the fun pics!

  11. I agree... Techno can be so fun! Also, I'm liking your pink music player. very cute :)


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