
Shout Out & Clarification

Want to give a quick shout out to the greatest girl ever, Jaime Blaisdell, for designing such an adorable layout for my blog!! I love it all! SOme of you have commented and asked about it so there's the answer. Email Jaime!!

Also, want to clarify on my last post. I am sorry if I confused some of you with my "book signing" comment. It was more of a sarcastic remark since i'm so famous and popular... I only get one free copy of the book. I wish I was famous enough to get tons of copies for free! So those of you who do want an autographed copy, you'll need to buy it first and then I can throw on my John Hancock.


  1. You're so cute Lyssa. Thanks for making me "famous" too:)

    And the book, I knew I would have to buy one, but instead of me buying it, sending it to you, then you send it back, when you get a chance or remember when you are out if you could pick one up then give me your "herby hancock" (tommy boy anyone???) I will pay you for all the costs.

    Glad you like your blog layout:)

  2. super cute blog...I love the color!! and congrats on the book!

  3. Congrats on the book! I'll definitely be picking up a copy and getting an autograph from the famous Lyssa!

  4. ....and you know how proud of you i am! i love you, sis! :)

  5. lyssa...can i pay jaime to design a better blog for us?!? mine is so boring!!! let me know!

  6. Just so you all know Jaime helped me out with my Blog too and I love it. You guys, Lyssa's friends, are a league of your own!!

  7. I hope you paid Jaime well! She should go into business being a blog designer! I love the picture of your family she put on it! That is really cute!

  8. Wow, congrats on the book. You really are famous. I am excited to go pick up a copy of it.

    Oh and I do love your new blog layout. It looks great.

  9. Lets just cancel that shout out until I figure out what to do with your blog. Good grief, talk about brain fart!!

  10. yes we put the fence up and the creek was covered up but it will actually be better in the long run. and yes I will send pics!


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