
Fuzzi Bunz, coming through!

So my kids made their U-Tube debut this past Thursday! My friend, Melissa Richardson has started her own website that sells organic and earth-friendly baby products. You gotta check it out: So one product in particular is Fuzzi Buns. They are modern cloth diapers for babies. We all went to her house, put these Fuzzi buns on over their diapers and let them play around. She recorded the kids playing in them. She will then post that on U-tube as her way of advertising them for her website. It was so cute and fun to see all the babies in the cute Buns :) Here are some pictures!

Look at all the cute kiddos!
Jamie, the mediator...
Doggie had a runny nose so Emma was blowing it for she's so weird sometimes..
Emma trying to take Kate's Fuzzi Buns off
Ok I love this one...this should go on the product box for them. Her expression is hilarious!

Cute little Madison!
Me and Rollie Pollie cute!

1 comment:

  1. SO cute. All those kids really are adorable. How can so many friends have so many dang cute kids?

    I wish those diapers weren't so expensive. I would be interested in getting some but can't fork that kind of money over right now.

    I bet that was so fun watching all those kids run around and play in their diapers!! Kids are the cutest in their diapers!


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