
Girls Night In

L to R: Jill, Courtney, Me, Marcie, Jazmin, Jami and Jamie. Not pictured who was in on the fun was Karrie and Christine..Oh and Karen...;);) Thanks again Christine for hosting!!
Well we had a fun night Friday night with the ladies. We all went up to Christine's house for a get together. It was really fun and just hilarious. It was about time for one of those nights. I didn't really take a whole lot there and plus, I htink the shirt I wore made me look 30 lbs heavier than normal so I am trying not to post lots of pics with me wearin it. but good times ladies :)

Here's another little project I just finished. I made some invitations for a baby shower coming up. I must say i'm pretty proud of myself for completely making it up all on my own, no help from magazines or anything! But that's kept me busy the past few days, which is good. Busy is better than bored in my case.
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  1. So much fun!!! I love girls nights! And way to go on the cute invitations! You always impress me! So no mobile children huh? Paul is out of town that weekend, so what should I do? I'm not paying a babysitter.

  2. Yeah, I was waiting for this post:) I'm sad I missed out on all the fun. I know I would have had a great time right there with all of you fun girls!! Everyone looks so good! I'm glad you were able to get and have some fun.

    Cute invites too Lyssa! Way to go on being creative, you did a great job.

  3. So fun! We have girls nights out too, and I love them. What did you guys do at this one? We are always looking for fun things to do.
    And Cute invite. Are you making all of them?

  4. That was a lot of fun!! we need to do it again! and your invite is really cute, I don't think I could of come up with that!! -very creative!

  5. Look how cute you all look! What kind of party was it??!!!??? :)
    you just love me!

  6. How fun! I had a blast too. Thanks for helping me plan it! You are so creative. The baby invites look amazing (as always).


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