
Joe's Flag Football Game Day

Every now and again I like to take random pics of the kids, like all of you, to show growth. So here are a few from yesterday.
Giving Kate some Tummy Time!
This one is hilarious! I was sitting there taking pictures and Emma runs over and lays on Kate like this. As you can tell from the picture, Kate really didn't like her head being squashed! It didn't even phase Emma :) But it's really cute and tells a great story!
Look at those Chubby Cheeks! Ok so later yesterday, Joe had a Flag Football game so I got all of us ready and headed out to watch. I was so excited cause the game was early enough that I could come. So we get there only to find out that the other team didn't show up. So it was a forfeit game. I was so bummed! But I still took pictures of Emma running around, taking cones and balls :)
Touchdown!She's on a mission. She always looks like she's up to something...


  1. I know, I was bummed too about the game.

  2. That picture is so funny of Emma laying on Kate, Meika will try in front of the camera when I am taking pictures of Sienna too. So funny! Emma is starting to look like a big girl!

  3. It seems like once kids reach the age of 2 they magically look SO grown up! I can't believe Emma's hair is that long and she looks like a little kid.

    Love the picture of her killing Kate. Too funny. Poor little baby, she doesn't even know what's going on!

  4. I love Emma on Kate! That is so cute. Emma does always look like she has something to do. THats a good look to have if you are going to Home Depo. and don't want to be asked, "Do you needs some help?" every two seconds!)

  5. That football is almost as big as Emma! I love the cheeks on Kate too! They rival Eric's! You really have some cute little girls! I love how Emma just squishes Kate and she dosn't even seem to care!

  6. Kate has the most fabulous cheeks. They provided the cushioning that was needed when Emma tackled her.

  7. Kate is getting so big and it is cute to see how Emma wants to be included too. I still laugh every time I see her with her dog!
    Vegas was fun! We did not even go on the strip which was good and it made it a whole completely different Vegas trip. You will see the pics once I post them :)


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