

Well, a lot of things have distracted me lately. First off, finally getting into the "Twilight" books has been addicting. I feel at times i'm reading my journal from Junior High and High School. Stephenie Meyer does such a great job at describing human emotions for a teenager! Anyways, i'm starting the third book (thanks Jami for letting me borrow it!!!) and I have to disipline myself to reading it at certain times of the day or else I will just read them all day! So that's one distraction. Second, catching up on line from my busy week. Either reading emails or blogs or talking with best friends on IM, it always catches my attention for a good amount of time in the day. For example, yesterday, while I was IMing, Emma took advantage of my distractions. She now knows how to use door handles so she got into the pantry and took out a tub of icing and cupcake holders. I guess she thought the icing was some sorty of lotion or paint because that's how she treated it...
If you can see all the icing smeared into the carpet in the picture, then great. But really, in person, it was much worse. After cleaning all this up, I still found staches of icing through out the kitchen and living room.

And of course, my favorite curious george...

When I found her, I was just shocked but I started laughing and grabbed the camera..good thing for blogging and a need for pictures eh?
She immediately went into the tub and luckily Kate was napping through all this, phew! So I admit it too the world that I sometimes get distracted with other things, allowing my kids to run amuk in my house...I just have to accept the responsibility of Emma's actions when I do that :)
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  1. Just laugh...thats all we can do! Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Yeah, I think she did use it as lotion. Maybe she knows some beauty secret she's trying to tell us about??

    At least if we did that then we would smell good to our "human" husbands:)

    Glad you got pictures, it looked a lot worse than what I was picturing it when you told me what happened!

    I'm sure she was loving every minute of it!!! Cute little Emma.

  3. Love the icing-lotion. That's hilarious. All that was needed was Miles with the crushed eggs on the carpet and we could have had a serious party!!
    I've discovered that kids will use any distration on the part of their parents to do as much damage as possible. The little rascals!

  4. Ahhh.... Twilight. So addicting! Stephenie Meyer is so great.
    and,.. Emma makes me laugh. What a cute little busy body! :)

  5. Thats good to know I'm not the only Mom that gets distracted! Eric broke 3 jars of food today, because he loves carrying them around the house and dropping them.

    Emma is very creative, I never thought of using icing as lotion! Not a bad idea, maybe I will have to try that!

  6. Holy cow! This totally reminds me of our incident where Madi got the shampoo while I was doing some dishes and squirted it on the bathroom floor! Madison enjoyed the distraction and literally was sliding across the floor. I'm sure you had just as much fun cleaning up! Gotta love kids and how interesting they make your life!

  7. Oh Boy Lyssa it seems like you have a little character on your hands. I can't wait to see you and the girls at Christmas.


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