
One Year in the Making!

I told myself I wouldn't forget to post on the day but I forgot. On the 15th, it my was One Year "Blogaversary"...That's how Melissa W. puts it. A year ago on the 15th, I posted my first blog! Holy Cow it's been an eventful year. I always look back on pictures and posts to see how far we've come and this past year, I've seen alot! So I dare you to sneak a peek at my archives, see whats happened this year!
Anyways, other than that, nothing much has been going on. Just organizing our apartment. We've decided to dejunk all our kids' toys and clothes that cover our floors! We've decided to box up majority of Emma's toys, only allowing her a few toys to play with. I think this will greatliy reduce the time spent picking up unless toys that Emma doesn't even play with. She more just likes to dump them all out, spread them all over and go to the next toy bin! So Parents of new babies...control yoursefl to buy tons of the long run, it isn't worth it!!


  1. Congratulations!!! May this year be the first of many more!!!

  2. Wow, one whole year! I can't believe it's been that long! It's great though! I love blogging!

  3. dude, lys, it is BLOGAVERSARY, not like a university, like an anniversary. :) ha! That made my LIFE today! :) Congrats!!! It's been a fun year! Keep up the awesome blogs!


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