
Thanksgiving Weekend

Well it's been an eventful weekend! We headed down to Port Neches, TX Wednesday afternoon. The kids did pretty well in the car for 5 hours. This time, Joe and I did the alphabet game...I know, junenille but it passed the time quickly. And I won...the dreaded "X" was the hardest letter. Yet I found an "Xpedex" store as we drove through Houston. He was depending on driving past 'Xterra" vehicles but we never did...wha wha!
We got to Joe's parent's house right in time for dinner so it was good timing.
Everyone was so excited to see the kids. I love going down there because everyone entertains them so I don't have to! I know, sounds selfish but hey, if you know Emma..she's such a handful and a fireball that it can get exhausting! THis is Kate saying, Happy Thanksgiving! I decided this time to have something to work on so I made a ribbon/taggie blanket for Kate. It's totally crooked and was totally an experiment but Kate seemed to like it so that was good. It was not too hard and I got it made in a few hours!

Here's Joe and Kate doing some quality Tummy Time
All the uncles were loving the kids. This is Uncle Stephen playing with Kate on the floor. He gave equal attention to both girls :)

We went to Walmart on Saturday to get some things and ran into Santa! We got the kids with Santa for free! Walmart gave everyone a free 4x6 so it was really cool!
Emma would not have it with Santa so I had to interfere...Don't I look great? I was down pour the whole time there so we were all drenched..oh wellio
This is something I started on Saturday but didn't have time to finish because Joe and I went to see "The Bee Movie" Saturday night. It was pretty good. Joe thought it was just like "Ants" or Bugs Life" so it wasn't that good to him.
This is my Taggie Fabric Ball" . I put a jingle bell inside too so it makes noise. Kate really likes the B/W contrast on them. Obviously another experiment. I saw this online and wanted to try it! It also helps that Joe's mom had an extra Sewing machine that I could actually figure out. She gave it to me too! THank you Margie! Now I can do silly stuff at home!

I love the HOlidays but this time of year makes me miss my family soooo much. I miss and love you guys! I can't wait to see you in just a few weeks! I'm going to Utah for Christmas!! I can't wait!
Happy HOlidays!


  1. PS
    We are not friends/sisters anymore because you are making me look bad with your creativity. Such cute ideas and I love that Emma did not like Santa. Kindra did that too and you just have to laugh!

  2. Awesome taggie ball! Where did you find the pattern? I think Ben would love something like that. Is it just stuffed with Fiber Fill? Very cool. I like the black/white contrast, too.

  3. Glad you had such a great weekend/holiday! It's so fun to be with family.
    Your taggie blanket and ball are adorable. My sister made a tag blanket for Gray and he really liked it. Well done you!!

  4. What a fun thanksgiving! Okay so I love your toys you made for kate. Where in the world did you get the white fabric? I have been looking for some like that and I can't find it anywhere!!
    Also were there directions online for the ball? If so, could you pretty please email me them?
    Bryn is here with me and as soon as the music on your blog started she started jamming out and hasn't stopped! :)

  5. Look at you miss crafty! I love the ball thing you made! My aunt made me one of the blankets, but I love how you did it in a ball and used black and white! The fabric is really neat! I think you need to add that too one of the crafts to do for craft guild!

    It looks like you had a good Thanksgiving! See you soon! Gotta get back to reading!

  6. I agree with Jamie. You did a great job. You definitely need to share your talents!

  7. Good Job Lyssa! I LOVE the ball. I've never seen a tag ball before and the colors are perfect for any baby!!

    Looks like you had a good Thanksgiving. It's always fun to have family around to love up the kids too:)

    I wish ID was just a little bit closer to UT so I could see you at Christmas!!! I don't think it will work though and I don't want to take you away from your family either.'s to only 5 more full months of waiting!!


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