
2007 in Review

I like to look back at each year to see what has happened and how much things have changed. Yet as I was going along, writing things that have happened this past year, I realized that not that many things has come about this year. So instead of individually writing down accomplishments, i'll be doing a group list.
  • Started the year off by being 3 months pregnant

  • I kept myself busy by immersing in scrapbooking with friends, and having fun with friends.

  • Joe kept truckin' along with school. he finished his 2nd year and immediately started studying for the boards and doing clinic in the summer.

  • Joe took boards and passed!

  • Weekend before Joe started 3rd year, we had Kate Olivia ZImmerman July 20, 2007.

  • 2 weeks later, Joe blessed her at church.

  • Joe began his 3rd year while I adjusted my parenting skills for 2 kids.
  • Joe celebrated his 28th birthday August 10th.
  • We then celebrated our 3rd year anniversary 3 days later.

  • Emma celebrated her 2nd birthday in Sept.

  • Made ballerina costumes For Emma and Kate for Halloween.

  • Visited Joe's family for Thanksgiving.
  • I celebrated my 24th birthday December 9th

  • Visited my family for Christmas!

Looking back, it really was a crazy, eventful year! I am so grateful for my family and growth that it has experienced this year. We all love Kate and so glad she's now apart of our family! I'm grateful for the friends I have made this past year and the fun they have given my life. I look forward to enriching those relationships. I'm grateful that there is only a year and a half left of Dental school for Joe! I can't wait for the next stage in our lives. Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Lyssa! You look SO pretty in these pictures. You sexy mama you!!

    Yeah, when you look back and list all the things that really went on in a year, it explains a lot about why the year went so fast!!!

    And did you realize you can now say...."We are done with dental school and will be moving next year!!" YIPEE! When that happened for us, it flew faster than any other time in life. And here we are now saying, "Wow, you graduated last year from dental school?!" Like you said, time is a crazy thing isn't it?

  2. Joe, your family is beautiful! Good to see you happy!

  3. i took a bloggin' vacation UTAH! :) I love that we live a few minutes away from each other here in texas, and then we vacation a few minutes away from each other too! That is funny.

    Hey, love your shirt. AND guess where I went in Utah? That DownEast Outfitter Basics place. Thanks for the recommendation! Two dresses later, I'm feeling quite glad! :) Happy New Year!

  4. What a fun post and what a busy 2007! Also, I totally agree with you about the dryness of Utah. Quin and I were both sick while we were out there and I missed my humid Texas!


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