
Emma's Wonderland

I love this pic of Emma. She was just mesmorized by snow when we went to Utah.
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Update on life

Well it seems like forever since posting. Well, on this blog at least. I've just been busy making stuff on my other blog. But life still goes on!

Operation Share Room is completed and a success! Friday night, after weeks of consistancy on Kate's part to sleep soundly all night, I decided to just do it, jump right in and stick them in one room. I also figured it being a weekend, I might get some help from Joe. So I did it. I was freakin' out and nervous! We put Kate in at 7. We then put Emma down at 8. Of course, Kate woke up after trying to whisper Emma's nighttime ritual, which includes like all the nursery songs you can imagine. Kate was crying hysterically because, like our whole family, if you get woken up too early, you are really mad. So then Emma was all curious, wanting to go over there. She wouldn't stay in her bed. So it was a back and forth sort of thing for like 5 minutes. I just decided, well I could do this all night or just leave and see what happens. So I did. Emma kept going over to the crib, trying to take Kate's blankets. That just upset her even more. Joe then interfered. I think Emma listens to Joe...Emma went in her bed...He picked up Kate and calmed her down a bit. He then put her back down. She, of course, was still crying but it was a very tired cry. So he left. The next 10 minutes were hard but once Kate calmed down, there was silence...Emma was in bed. Kate was in bed. They were both asleep. :) Every night since then, we just put them to bed at teh same time. Emma has quickly adapted to Kate's noises and falls asleep immediately. Kate babbles a bit but then falls asleep. In the mornings, it's great. Either Kate wakes up first and Emma is still asleep. Or they wake up together and entertain eachother. I am so glad that it was so easy! Honestly, these girls are the best.! So now I have my room back! I've been crazily creating pages now and I love it :)

And to not leave you with out pictures, here are some from Sunday. We went to the elementary park across the street for a bit.
So happy!!

Kate does awesome with balancing. Joe has done this since she was like 3-4 months!
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I've been wanting to do a LO about me. So finally I did tonight. I really like the PP that I used for this. It's by American Crafts, Play.
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Cyber Crop

There was a Cyber Crop on one of the websites i'm registered with. So these are some I made for that

This is for another challenge of "Daily Stops" that I do. OH the life of a mom.
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So I had to redo it. I honestly couldn't get it out of my head! It didn't sit right at all. It's sad to say that I even had a hard time falling asleep! So this morning, I fixed it to m liking!

For this LO, I could only use 1 cardstock, 1 pp, 3 buttons and 2 shapes, plus journaling etc. So this is what I came up with. It's kind of simple but I like it. I want my main focus to be Emma...
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Gibbons Photography Incorporated

Yesterday afternoon, we spent outside enjoying the weather. It was so nice! It was funny because we were inside, trying to figure something fun to do when we get a call from Steve Gibbons inviting us to come meet at "The Hill" Matthew rides down on a toy down the hill. It's pretty hilarious. So we went outside and watched him go do that. Other kids outside came a runnin', wanting to try it out too. Even Jazmin did it! That was pretty funny. Emma tried it once and biffed it pretty hard but she's tough. But she just walked around and enjoyed being outside. Kate did too! She was rolling all over on the dead grass. And luckily, Steve and Jazmin had their camera and took some pics of the kids. They turned out so cute! I love them! Here they are :)

This one should be an advertisement for Crocs or something...She's so adorable really...
Here's the apartment Posse. All those kids are nuts...
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Green Mountain Pizza Recipe

So a few of you have asked for the Green Mountain Pizza Recipe. You can find it here . It's posted on the recipe blog that my friend Jaime made for a few of us. It's a great blog!
So seriously enjoy! I know you will. It's the best pizza and pizza dough that i've ever tasted!!

Twilight Love...

This is for another challenge...I love all these challenges! They really push me into actually scrapbooking :) Anyways, love all these colors, and hope you do to!
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Card Challenge

I LOVE this card. I can't believe I made it...
Made this for a card challenge on Moments 2 Remember. Such a great site!! Anyways, pretty proud of this little baby!
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10 Years Ago...

So my sister tagged me with this. She had this elaborate post with tons of pictures so I had to at least try to do the same. I don't have nearly as many pictures as she does but oh well. Here's the tag:

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Yikes, has it already been ten years? Well to be specific, I was half way though my 8th grade year, attending Mountain Ridge Junior High. Even more specific is that I was crushing over this kid, of which whom I will not name since some of you know exactly who I'm talking about! My obsession over this kid started in 8th grade. 10 years ago I would be "going out" with him right now, and having a grand old time hanging out with him and his friends. I finished doing cheerleading for the Highland Bears (we're the bears, raging hot,...) and just having fun at school with my friends. I know I had more pictures of me in 8th grade but most of them were tied with that boy. I threw all those away as I was dejunking my stuff, getting ready to move it all in my own home when I got married :) So these are the only decent ones I could find of me back in the days of 1998:

Living proof that I was a Bears' cheerleader. I was tempted to scan the whole squad but seeing how some of you are in that picture, I think we'd all appreciate not scanning that one in...This was taken the day after Halloween so I was pretty tired. But we won the cheer competition that day! We were seriously the best squad!

Here's a random picture of me in school. look at my beautiful long, silky hair!! I miss that! Anyways, Maggie, you'll appreciate that I cropped you out of this picture.
And this is a face shot, my signature move with cameras...I still do that...I know, so odd really.
This is me setting the timer on the camera and posing. I guess I thought I was model material so I practiced some poses.

Ok Next question,

2. 5 Things on my "To Do" list for today:
-Finish Laundry, meaning putting it away
-Find a "baby blanket bag" for Kate because she wakes up freezing every morning!
-shower :)
-Get mail
-Do a scrap page!! (I know, not the most productive day today...:) )

3. 3 Bad habit's that I have:
-Turning TV on in order to get things done
-Not putting dishes away when they are all done and clean
-Staying up late. I don't like going to bed first because I'm the lightest sleeper and know that Joe will just wake me up when he goes to bed. So I tend to stay up when he does...which isn't good when I wake up at 7 every morning!!

4. Place's that I have lived:
Utah, Canada, England, Texas

5. Thing's most people do not know about me:
I had to have braces twice
I retook 2nd grade twice--and not because I was stupid
My eyes change color with what I wear
When I was younger, I loved to turn on my favorite song, leave it on repeat and lay in my bed and think about things, which is somewhat connected to the last one...
If I had my way, I would turn up the AC, jump into bed and lay there all day long and think. (And this isn't a sign of depression)

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Challenge Sketch Layout

Another page, yeah! So I made this for a sketch challenge on Bluesprint Sketches. I love this website! It's got great ideas. So I hope Andrea likes what I did. I love these colors too!

Ribbons Galore!

So as I was meandering through the many blogs on line, I came across All THings Scrapbooking, which is an awesome blog! Lots of fun stuff. They frequently have challenges for readers. This month is a drawing to win a TON of ribbons. And actually the challenge is with another blog, Really Just Ribbons. It's a great blog and adorable ideas! You should check it out and see the giveaway yourself!

Chocolate and Hearts

Well it's been a crazy past couple of days! I've been so busy. So let me tell you why. My calling in the church is Visiting Teaching Coordinator. For those who don't know what that is, I basically work with the RS president in putting sisters together into companionships for visiting teaching. I have to collect numbers every month. Some of you know how far I go in trying to get sisters to do their visiting teaching. I've done bribes galore! But anyways, that's besides the point. Another responsibility that I have is Visiting teaching interviews. The presidency must meet with the visiting teachers to see how things are going. So in order to get a good number of sisters to sign up for interviews, we bring out the chocolate! This meaning, we had a huge Chocolate Party on Wednesday night. I was put in charge of throwing it together and i've been planning this for a couple of months now. I first just want to thank Julie Bezzant for her help in sending me all the information on the party. A year 1/2 ago, we had our first Chocolate party, hosted by Julie and it went great. So I pretty much just took the same idea and did it again. So here are some pictures from the Chocolate Party.
Here are a few of the chocolate eaters:

L to R Nicole, Kallie, Ashley, Stephanie, Me and Jill

We had some great desserts that people brought. Linsay Jarvis made that amazing chocolate cake! It was so yummy!

And we had a Chocolate fountain!! We had strawberries and marshmellows to dip..yummy!
One side was the dark side, where you guess the percentage of cacao that each piece has. There was a 65, 70 & 80 %...and you haven't had dark chocolate until you've tasted 80%!!
The other side was the milk side. I had 5 different milk chocolates from around the world that sisters had to guess which chocolate was from which country. There was a key for them to help them. Swiss is the best!!
So yesterday, I was recouperating from the day before since it was pretty crazy, setting things up and everything. Joe got home early from school, like 11 am so we were able to spend time with him all day! When he got home from school, he brought home this:

We also drove up to JC Penney's and picked up the pictures that had been taken a few weeks back of Kate and Emma. They are SOO freakin' cute. Here are my gems:

Chubbs McKate is So Chubbilicious!!

For our Valentines day dinner, for tradition, we had our Heart-shaped pizza. But this year, we made it ourselves. We made our FAVORITE pizza in the world! Green Mountain Pizza ( Thank you Jaime! I will never forget this pizza!) So I formed the dough in a heart :) It was actually pretty cool cause Joe and I made it together which most of the time, making something in the kitchen together can be hard and in the way, but it was actually a pleasant experience! So it was a delicious meal!

And I had to throw this picture in since I thought it was pretty funny. We have a file Folder game that has yummy and yucky things. Obviously cigarettes are yucky but Joe thought it was pretty funny to do this with Kate. Kate just sat there with it in her mouth so I took a picture.

We are trying to help her quit, don't worry.

So ya, i've been busy but now everything is back to normal. Now I just need to return to Operation Share Room!

my creations

I made another scrap page! Yeah! Yet you will not see it here. I will now be posting all things that I make on a different blog. It's a blog to post the things I make, hence the name: Stuff Lyssa Makes. The address is: Come check it out and see my new page!


So I finally got a page together! I've been meaning to but some days, i'm just pooped! This is my first page using my new Cricut Expressions machine and I love it!! Hopefully I can get more comfortable using it and using it to it's full potential!
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My Husband and I

A few of my friends have done this and tagged anyone so i'm doing it too.
My Husband
What is his name? Joseph Daniel Zimmerman

How Long have you been together? We've been married pretty much 3 1/2 years, Aug. 13th, 2004

Here's some "dating" photos, and yes...I did have braces...I still can't believe Joe asked me out!

HOw long did you date? LOL oh love this question! We dated 3 months, engaged for 2 months and then got hitched...ya we're what you call the typical BYU couple, short but sweet :)

How old is he? He is 28, his birthday being August 10th, 3 days before our Anniversary... um, yes when he graduated high school, I was getting ready to attend junior high....yikes

Who eats more? Well at first, he did but now I do. I don't know how that happened. I blame the kids....

Who said I love you first? Joe did, well sort of. It was like a realization:, Um, I think.. I love you!...and I was like, really?!

Here's one of our engagement pictures

Here's some Wedding photos, my mom made my dress!

Who is taller? Joe is, He is 5'10 (on a good day, right?) and i"m 5'6

Who sings better? Um I think we are both musically challenged. I sing anyways cause I love music but he doesn't sing too often...but he probably does.

Who is smarter? Joe is for sure...I had my glory days in high school but i've become more dumb as years go by. I mean, hello? Dental school? I cringe at the stuff they have to learn! I guess I could say i'm smarter in the "arts" but who really cares about that, right?

Who dose the laundry? I do. I am the designated home maker so I take care of all that.
Who pays the bills? I do since I kind of manage the money since i'm home and spend most of it. But luckily, most of it is on-line with auto pay so I don't have to worry too much about it.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are facing the bed, me, since ya, farthest away from window (light) and closer to the bathroom.
Who cooks dinner? I do mostly. There will be days that he'll throw something together. He's good with left overs and creating new things that I would not have thought of. I mean, he was single for a couple of years in which he learned to cook, thank goodness! I am still trying to learn to love cooking. I told Joe that if we had money to spare in the future, that i'd want a personal chef :)

We gratuated together before moving to Texas!
Who mows the lawn? NO one!! yeah! Luckily we don't have to worry about that one quite yet.
Who drives? I usually do since I know most of the roads around here now. Joe, on the other hand, still gets mixed up...after living 2+ years here!! But can you blame him? If it's long distances, then we'll swap. To church, he does always.

Who is more stubborn? We've got our days...I'm not sure which one is more...He says I am, and I say he I guess we are both equally...but maybe me a bit more...

One year anniversary, 8 months pregnant!
Who kissed who first? Well since I was VL up to the that point...oh wait, no that wasn't me. Our first kiss was pretty equal in movement. We both went in for the kill.
Who asked who out first? Joe did. We were in the same ward and it was after a Ward FHE activity that we first "hung out", It was just getting to know each other better. I didn't get a call from him until Saturday, asking to see what I was doing. We hung out that day, playing woofle ball and then we hiked the Y that evening and watched a movie. He didn't call after that till the following Tuesday to hit a 50 cent night movie and that was it! We've been together everyday since! Who proposed? Joe did. We had talked about getting married and I knew it was coming, but just didn't know when. I had picked out the ring through my dad since he works with OC Tanner in SLC. We got a wicked deal on our rings! Anyways, I thought it would be done later than it was. My dad and Joe conspired behind my back with it all. Friday rolls around and i'm heading to Provo after looking at wedding dresses( remember, I only had months to prepare :) ). Joe calls me, a little rushed, asking when i'd be home. He has secretly made reservations at PF Changs, brought me roses and then afterwards, we hike Stewart Falls to overlook the waterfall (I don't recommend hiking this one at 10 pm!!) As we sat there, he pulled out his trusty backpack and unpacked an blanket and some candles to light. Then he proposed!! It was really special and I was so happy..oh and still am :) Afte that , it was still pretty late but he had made me chocolate-covered strawberries to eat! I got home to my apartment around 1:30 and I had left my keys in my apartment! Luckily Jenny, my sister and roommate at teh time, was still awake and let me in. I was then able to retell the tale of the night and show off the was a fun night!Who has more friends? I think I do. Joe is so busy that he doesn't really have time to make and build friends. I, on the other hand, have made great friends and we have some fun times.
Who is more sensative? Me for sure. Joe gives me hard times and stuff, just for fun. But i'm on a different mindset when he does that so I dn't catch it...But we're working on that.

Who has more siblings? Joe does! He is the oldest of 9 kids. I'm the 4th of 6th kids.

Who wears the pants of the family? We're trying figure that one out still. On certain topics, we share but then on some, he does and on others I do...That's a tough one to explain...
Joe, you are such a great husband, father, student provider etc etc! I love you and am so grateful to have you in my life!