
Green Mountain Pizza Recipe

So a few of you have asked for the Green Mountain Pizza Recipe. You can find it here . It's posted on the recipe blog that my friend Jaime made for a few of us. It's a great blog!
So seriously enjoy! I know you will. It's the best pizza and pizza dough that i've ever tasted!!


  1. I can't wait to try it. The picture of it looked so yummy! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Hey Lyssa! I'm glad you said hi, cuz I had no idea that have a blog too, and two little girls! They are so darling. Kids are the funnest... So we found out that we are going to have a boy - crazy! I'm excited :) I'm totally impressed with your scrapbooking and creativity! One of my new year's resolutions is to get caught up with my scrapbooks, so I'll have to get inspiration from your pages :)

  3. Thanks for getting this recipe on the recipe blog!! I was going to cut and paste it because I still have it on my computer from when I did the ward cookbook (that I still owe you a copy of!!)but you saved me the time by doing it yourself, so THANKS! You're the best:)


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