
A BIG WAHOO & Finally!

K so as embarrasing as this is, I just had to post this.  So back at the end of Sept.  I wrote this motivating post about my crusade to losing weight.  Back then, I was at 140.  And it was a hard time of year - A gazillion holidays to get through...Halloween? Thanksgiving?  Christmas? Valentines day?!  When do they stop!?!  I mean, someone like me, trying to lose weight doesn't have a chance!  And that's what I thought.  As much as I worked out during the last 6 months, nothing seems to happen.  I was stuck in the dreaded 30s for ever!  There was some progress to 135 but then I was stuck at that number for about 2 months.  I was SO frustrated.  Yet, somehow, I persisted.  I think it helps to think in "long" terms.  I had to realize that it is going to take some time.  So I don't sweat it too much if I am stuck.  I mean, I know that I can lose the weight.  So FINALLY, things picked up.  I am officially out of the 30s!!  Now I get to battle through the 20s for who knows how long...but it does bring me one step closer to my ultimate goal :)  So I was just excited about that little event in my life.  But just a doesn't mean I look smokin' hot or anything...I don't think you can even tell...but oh well huh?  As long as I know things are progressing, i'm happy :)


  1. That's great Lyssa!! It's so hard to be positive during the "stuck" moments with weight loss. I admire you for not giving up!! I'm sure you do look smokin hot...anyone in the 120's is lookin good (unless you are only 4ft or something) :)

    Way to go! I'm proud of you skinny twig!

  2. Congrats Lyssa!
    that must be a great feeling! (I think the last time I was in the 120's or even 130's was in jr. high!!!)

  3. You have nothing to worry about. You're gorgeous and always look good.

  4. Yea for you!!!! I am sooooo happy for you. First I need to tell you that all the pictures I have seen of you, you look don't stress too much. But secondly, I know how it feel to want to be at a certain weight and how good that feels to finally get there. I wish you the best of luck! It is a great feeling to lose weight and feel healthy. A billion high fives and a slap on the rear for all the weight you have already lost! :) heehee

  5. Way to go! You are awesome to keep with it! I have no patience with exercise and what not. Infact I bought some videos and PROMISED Tyler I was going to use them so it wouldn't be a waste of money... well I think I've used them once. :-) You really do look great in the pics I've seen so don't worry too much.

  6. Congratulations, Lyssa! You are definitely awesome for keeping up with your exercise plan! Like Jaime, I totally admire you.

    You are beating me at this! It's impressive that you have kept exercising! unlike me, i just gave up on running!

  8. You do look smokin hot honey! I am so glad you are making progress-I know how hard one is on themself when struggling to lose weight. I am still also very impressed that you still find time to work out with two kids-that is amazing!

  9. I'm impressed. Nursing helpped me, but now that I'm not doing that anymore I'm not burning as many calories and I can finally eat chocolate again, which is a double wammy. I'm trying to run, but I usally come up with the excuse that I'm to tired. What to do? Anyway, Congrats!

  10. That is great! You look great too. You need to let me know your secret because I'm stuck now too.

  11. You're trying to get out of the 20's too. Wholly ... you're skinny already!


  12. i am too all regards...but go check our :)

  13. you look soooo good lyssa, i can't believe you even think that you need to loose weight! for some reason my pregnancy weight was gone in two weeks after i had olive, but boy oh boy do i need to do some sit-ups in order to get a tummy back! i guess the babies are worth it though!

  14. Well, check you out! I am so jealous! Being a person who just had a baby, I covet anyone who is on a good weightloss plan. You little hottie you!! Maybe you need to start blogging your weightloss tips! Oh, and I am pretty sure that once you hit the 120s a bikini shot is a must. HAHA!!


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