
Creatively Inclined Moms Blog shop

It's here! Well, sort of. Friday March 21st, we're opening our BLogshop! Me and 3 other ladies who make wonderful adorable baby gifts are selling them here at COme check us out. We're not revealing our stuff until the 21st. But you can start getting you name in the drawing. All you have to do is make a comment and link back to us on your blog and your name will be automatically entered into our drawings that we'll have. You'll win fabulous stuff that is from our blogshop! We've got things from Diaper wipee cases to baby leg warmers and everything inbetween! Please feel free to spread the word!  So come check us out!!


  1. that is such a cute page! how do you do all of that lyssa? you are so talented-- can't wait to see your stuff!

  2. Congrats! Way to go crafty lady!


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