
Last night

Some things I made last night...
Baby shower gift
very simple card but I like how it looks.
Another baby shower card
This I actually made a year ago for Emma's room. I love orange and pink!
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  1. Man Lyssa! You've been very busy. The frame is adorable! I too like the simplicity of that one card too.

    How about instead of leaving comments all the time saying "cute stuff", you can just assume I think it's cute unless I leave a comment saying it's uglY:) Just kidding, I wouldn't do that!! Plus I have yet to see something I don't like that you've made!!

  2. Super Cute items! I am so impressed! Can't wait to see what else you come up with! It was fun talking with you at the baby shower!

  3. Wow- amazing stuff- I adore that orange and white baby girl card!

  4. These are neat...that baby card is so distinctive!


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!