
Corpus Christi

Joe had last Friday off for Fiesta so we headed down to Corpus Christi (sp). The beach is only 3 hours away so it was a perfect day trip. The weather was perfect too. Here are the pics from it:

Emma would not touch the water for anything...yet she didn't want to leave the water when we were heading out...she's such a funny girl. Kate didn't really know what to think about the water except it was cold. So the girls played in the sand. It was a nice break from the real world and hope to do it again before we leave San Antonio!


  1. Your little girls are beautiful! That picture where Joe is holding Kate is awesome. They look like twins! So cute. And, Emmas long beautiful hair is to die for!

  2. that looks like so much fun, i love love love the beach. those pics are so cool, your camera takes really good pics-- what kind is it again? your girls are so pretty!

  3. THe girls are so cute in their little swim suites playing in the sand!

  4. those are adorable pics of your girls!
    its always nice to get a little beach time in.
    you are making me miss home....

  5. Those pics are perfect! You are so lucky to be by the ocean! I wish I could take my kids there so easily!
    Tomorrow Tomorrow...I'll see you tomorrow!!!

  6. Seriously such good pics! Wow! It helps that your girls are beautiful. Love Emma's suit!

  7. Fun! Any tips for a first time Corpus Christi visitor? We are planning to go at the end of this month.

  8. Cute, Cute, Cute! Kate in a swimsuit is priceless! What a fun trip! No wonder you looked so tan and hott this weekend!

    I've been such a slacker with blogs lately, I'll make sure to do that tag post some time. That was really interesting. It's fun to see what all the Moms' day looks like.

    Thanks again for the fun weekend! That was so sweet of you guys to do a surprise shower! I loved my donation can and can't wait to start using it! Now I just need some cardboard to make a sign! Don't worry, I'll try to upload and send those pictures sooN!

  9. LOVE the beach!! I'm glad the weather was so great for you. We hope to make it down there soon before I get too close to my due date. Been meaning to tell you that I LOVE the taggie blanket!! Thanks!

  10. What a blast and you did it all with your kids? How do you do it? I'm so jealous... It looks so much fun. I'm going to be super nosey and I hope this doesn't come off rude or anything but what put your sister in a wheelchair? Baby its the nurse in me but I'm always curious about things like this. That is so fun that she came out. And I'm jealous you all had an EDWARD party!


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