
Good Ol' Ebay

So if you've been reading these posts from me, you would now about Emma and her doggie that she likes to drag around everywhere.  The picture above shows the item in which I am discussing in Emma's arms.  And the problem with that is the possibility of losing it.  And a couple of times, she has left it at friend's houses and i've had to go get it because she won't take a nap with out it.  And That's been my fear ever since Emma became attached to the doggie if we ever permanently lost it.  So for some time now, i've been trying to find "replacements" for the doggie.  Joe's mom got the dog from Walmart 2 Easter's ago.  I even emailed Walmart a year ago, seeing if they still had any extra dogs in storage that I could buy...yes I am THAT paranoid of making sure I find something to replace because I don't know how Emma (or I) will cope once the dog is missing.  I mean, she is always holding this thing...ALWAYS!   
SOOO a few nights ago, I was just on-line, looking up random stuff.  I was on ebay looking at stuff and then I got the thought to see if ebay would have a THE dog.  So I looked up "Walmart Stuff Animals"  and started looking through all the stuff.  Then I came to this post:
Two Stuffed Easter Dogs, both for $7

I couldn't believe it!  It was the exact same dogs!  And even better, I found 2!  I was so excited, I bought it right then before someone else who was in need of 2 easter dogs would get it...okay, that seems unlikely but I couldn't take my chances.
And better yet, now Kate can have her own doggie too.  She has been constantly trying to take Emma's dog from her.  It's really funny because Emma will get so mad.  So this will solve the problem.  So I gotta hand it to Ebay for allowing this dream to come true!


  1. First of all lets just talk about my "silky"...need I say more and I am 31 yrs old
    Secondly, on Sunday, Kindra lost her white blanky somewhere in our house. I swear on everything that I searched high and low for that blanky...cupboards, drawers, tubs, dishwasher (yeah I was a little psychoticly paranoid) but I could not find it! I drove my butt over to the mall and bought a new one. It looked a little different but it fit the bill. Mom and Dad came down that night and it became Dad's obsession as well and low and behold...he found it...under the pool table stuck in one of their "tunnels". It made me realize that I am in for a treat...and how can I get mad about the blanky? Again, I am 31 and have a "silky"! hehehe :)

  2. That is just down right funny and something I have totally done!! I love ebay for that reason. You can always find a "replacement"!!!

    The things we do for our kids:) But I'm the same way when it comes to their "passions". I go to extreme lengths to make sure I (I mean the kids) don't have an attack because their special item is missing and now all hell is going to break loose!!

    Glad you found two of them and in such cute colors too!!

  3. I'm in your same boat. Peyton is attatched to this ugly stuff monkey. I've been afraid to wash it because I know it will fall apart. So my solution was to keep it in the crib and only allow her to have it at naptime/bedtime. Its worked until Peyton took her diaper off and peed all over it. So to the washer it went and I was so worried it would come apart and who knows what we'd do without it! Good news... it stayed intact but who knows for how long??? I better start looking on ebay! So glad you found the dogs!

  4. that is too funny, i also love ebay, i find the best deals. by the way those aprons are adorable! i have one from anthropologie that looks really similar, and i am always tempted to buy more even though i hardly ever remember to wear it when i cook!

  5. lyssa i just read your comment on my blog and it made me laugh really hard, you are so funny. if anything i just take it as a compliment that you think jared is cute. joe is really cute too, if we ever go crazy and become swingers then we will have an arrangement, ha ha.

  6. wait, does she not care if it's a different color? But since you're so good at you think you could scour the WWW to find Johnson and Johnson's ORIGINAL bedtime lotion? I hate the smell of the "New and Improved" junk.

  7. We had to do the same thing for Bradley! It is amazing how much they "need" their comfort objects. I am gald you found one! :)


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