So amid the cheers of Kate's winning, we've got ourselves a situation in the Zimmerman home. Maybe Kate is feeling the pressure to be skinny since she's now won or something is seriously wrong with her.
For two weeks now, she pukes...she pukes? yes, she pukes. Let me explain.
When it started, it was once a day, after I would change her diaper. I figured I was feeding her too much and the pressure on her tummy was too much. So I cut back on the amount I was feeding her but to no avail, she would still throw up. And then it began to occur twice a day. That's when I started to worry. Last Tuesday, I went to the Pediatrician to make sure she was still fine, weight wise and not becoming dehydrated. Well she was about the same weight as she was at her 9 month apt, which, the doctor said was normal at this age because they tend to taper off in gainage and becoming mobile. So she assumed it was reflux and gave me a prescription for a baby antacid...
I asked, Is it common for babies to develop reflux at 10 months old?
She says, not really but sometimes this happens.
Okay, I say. I am just hoping this solves the problem.
Fast forward to right now.
She now pukes any time she lays on her back, meaning: diaper changes, naps, bedtimes, playing around with Emma, cuddling on the couch. (the scary part is during the night, when we don't always know...what if she chokes?!)
I have permanently smelled like puke for 2 weeks's quite but seriously, I am honestly worried. This is NOT normal, right?
We take the precautions of making sure she never goes on her back. So that means changing her diaper angled on a boppy pillow or something to prop her back...or even standing up...ya, can you imagine that? I couldn't until now.
We make sure to change her right before we feed her so as to limit the amount of puke that will come out of her mouth.
We have gotten so desperate as to tape a large circular object on her back so she can't completely lay flat on her back...
(...umm Joe's idea and invention...first time we're using it tonight and it seems to do the job...she just looks like a bug or something )
So I called my pediatrician today or the on-call answering service and my Ped called me back and I explained to her the extreme situation we are having with Kate. She seemed not alarmed and said to come in sometime this next week and we'll have a look see at her vitals.
So I just tell her the reality of what happens each day and my suspicion that it is not reflux but something else. So I've been going crazy, trying to figure this out. The antacids she gave us before don't do anything. But luckily, Kate is such a calm, content little thing that she's just fine. Other than the fact that she pucks like 3-4 times a day, she happy and laughing, playing with Emma. It doesn't even phase her. So it's quite the quandary.
Any takers?
Lyssa - I hope you don't mind that I blogger stalked you.
ReplyDeleteI am sure you know this but thought I would tell you anyway. I would just say put her on the BRAT/ bland diet. But even that I would wait until she stops vomiting. Give her pedialyte adding a tblsp every hour she doesn't vomit. This happened with Robert and I think it was just that he got a normal stomach bug but we were giving him food before his stomach was ready.
Could she be allergic to something she eats or drinks everyday? What about milk or formula? Also, my sisters little boy did that same thing and he was constipated. I know it sounds weird but everytime he would try to go poop he would throw up because he would push so hard. Anyway, I hope it's nothing serious. You should get a second oppinion. I hope everything is ok with that sweetness!!
ReplyDeleteso's so hard when are little ones can't just tell us why and where and what's going on!...katy had a similar issue a few weeks ago...turned out to be a little tummy other symptoms though...just the puke. good times. Ü we stopped giving her any milk and put her on pedialyte...seemed to help and them annie caught it too...double the fun...oh joy. good luck getting it all figured out...hope she feels better soon!
ReplyDeleteto answer your question...i would love to take kate's 1 year pics...i will be on vacation until july anytime after that would be great...just let me know. Ü
Wish i could help, but I don't know much about babies. I'm sure I'll be asking you questions soon! :)
ReplyDeleteI would take her to the doc again and if you don't like her answer, take her to another doctor. You may like your doctor, but maybe what Kate has is rare and your doc can't recognize it.
ReplyDeleteUmmm...Lyssa, so I don't think I would let your doctor put you off or act like it is nothing. I mean it might end up being nothing, but it sure it strange and throwing up that many times in a day is not normal as you said. I agree, with the other person that said maybe go to another doctor for a different opinion.
ReplyDelete100% get another opinion!! That's just strange. It may be just a "poop problem" or something like that, but then you know how to help her out at least!