
Blogger steps up!

Something I always found annoying was those programs like bloglines or blogarithm because they were never consistant and you had to go to their sites to see what updated blogs.  Yesterday, I was fixing things on my blog and found a new thing that blogger has on their page elements.  It's a blog feeder for all your links.  Just take a look on my blog, scroll down and look at my friends list.  It lists which blogs have new posts in being in chronological order.  Tells me how long ago it has been etc etc.  It's awesome to me!  I love just looking down the whole list and seeing who has a new post.  Good job Blogger!  Well, it doesn't work with those who have private blogs (boo!) :)  Not a fan of private blogs because nothing works with them.  Anyways, just something I found and was excited about!
So I promise, I will be posting something normal soon. I've been kind of out of it lately.  For some reason, I just don't care about things these days.  I can't explain it but just something feeling.  Maybe it's the summer blues?  Who knows..I am cooped up most of the day inside because it really is too hot outside,..over 100 degrees everyday plus humidity.  It wares me out so fast!  Anyways, gotta go.  Soon, soon...


  1. neato buritto!!! gonna have to check that out.

    hope you pull out of your "funk" soon. It's no fun having moments like that, and TX weather sure doesn't help does it!!?:)

  2. I will need to add a scroll bar though, way too long of a list for my liking. I wish it would let you choose something like, only show the most updated within 24 hours, not ones who only updated like 6 months ago! It is a great feature, but still blogger needs to do some more adjusting. i wish too that they would advertise when they update stuff like this so we know sooner.

    do you have any clue why some people's blogs, even though NOT private, don't allow feeds??

  3. Thats so cool, so how do you do it?

  4. I wondered how people were doing that! Thanks for the tip!

  5. blogger steps up or lyssa steps up...when she does that feed thing on and to MY BLOG because she is my favorite sister in san antonio?!?
    come on he he he!

  6. I love the blog feed! Thanks for posting it on your blog :)

  7. Way to go Lyssa! PS I now check your blog everyday instead of checking everyone else's to see if they have updated-thanks for making my life easier!

  8. Have you noticed that even this doesn't update when it needs to? Maybe it's just my computer, but I checked bloglines today and there were about 5 people that blogger said hadn't updated for over a week that just updated within the last 48 hours!! If you know how to fix this please let me know:)


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