
Kate is Turning One...soon.

Ok so I started writing about Kate and how she is at one but I don't want to write that just yet.  Her birthday is on the 20th so I'll wait till then do write that wonderful stuff.  For now, i'll show you pictures I took the other day for her 1st birthday.  I was going to go somewhere and have them taken but we are trying to save money with Joe's applications and such coming up in the next few months.  So the only option was to just take them myself.  Something i'm proud to say on her outfit is that I got the necklace on ebay for $4 (retailed for $65!), made her tutu, leg warmers and headband, and edited the pictures myself on my computer.  Seriously, who needs to spend money these days anyways, right?  Okay, without further adieu, here is our Katers.


  1. You did such a good job Lyssa. I love the black & white leggings with the hot pink tutu! So cute!! I can't believe this little cutie is turning 1 already!!

  2. Your baby shares MY birthday, too! but ---
    i will be the big 3-0 on July 20th!!!

    She is so cute & i ♥ that outfit!!

  3. Oh no....I see a new business adventure coming on! The pictures are great!

  4. Good job on the pictures! and, she looks darling. I want to learn how to make tutus!

  5. Those pictures look awesome! So cute, did you just put her on your bed and take the pictures?
    You go girl!

  6. you are so talented. not only at creating things, and taking good pictures- but also at making one stinking cute baby!

  7. So cute! You did awesome! I love the leggings!

  8. OKay, so your pictures are adorable and I love the fact that you made the tutu and leg warmers! I am also a TWILIGHT fan...

    Love your header also...very cute!

  9. She's so stinkin' cute! Your pictures are really great. You want to fly out east and take some family pics for me?

  10. Cute, cute, cute! love the color combo! and we need to schedule an appt with you soon! for Matty's back to school pics!

  11. Look at you miss thrifty! Who needs professionals when you can take much better pictures! You did a great job! i need to play with photoshop more. Right now I want to throw my computer out the window though. I have a love hate relationship with it!

    Amazing invitations too! I'm so behind. I didn't realize you became a celebrity in the past few weeks! Your so talented! Maybe in the next life time I'll have some talent!

  12. I LOVE that tutu! I think that I want one for myself!!

  13. that's right, you still have a week, hang on to it with all your might. I can't believe how fast our babies grow. Awesome job with the photo shoot by the way, I love the one where she is climbing away, you can really see the leg warmers in it. I need to get photo's of Holland in the tutu you made her! Maybe I'll try my luck at photography. And thanks for the nice comment on my blog, Annie's just really good behind the camera. And it's a different Annie, not miss Annie Bingham.

  14. Way cute pictures! I love the pink tutu. You ought to start selling those on your website. Great job on the enhancement of the pictures. She's a doll!

  15. you did such a great job! you are awesome and they look totally professional! i really like the one of her looking back as she is crawling up.

    i wish that we could be there for her party. i told mom that she and dad should just fly us down :)

    he he he not so much!

    i love you....thanks for always supporting my randomness...

  16. Wow!!! Call me floored and utterly impressed! Seriously are SO talented. The outfit you made adorable and the pictures you took to die for. Oh and currently I am loving the Twilightations. Your talent never stops!

  17. those pics are so pretty lyssa! i know i say this all the time but she is seriously soooooooooo beautiful!

  18. Cute cute!
    Great job on the outfit. Love it. You def have a unique vision.

  19. What?? You should be a photographer! You did such a nice job. I love her little outfit. Oh, and I can't forget the smile. She's adorable. You did awesome.


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