
Memory Game

I've seen this on a few blogs and i'm going to do it...even if it may turn out bad, oh well right?   You don't have to join in, but if you want to read the instructions below...

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Please do this!  I would love to read what everyone's memory is of me.


  1. July 2003 on the rooftop of the London BYU center (where we weren't supposed to be sitting : ) We realized that we both held a special place in our hearts for Travis.

  2. one word: pimpettes.

    and... she's a maniac, maniac- that's for sure

    do you not miss the good ol' days?
    man, you killed.

  3. Ahhh, so many!

    scrappin', hanging out, shopping.

    the lists goes on!

  4. Lyssa,

    I'm a friend of Maren Johnson's. I have a quick question for you. How do you get your family blog list to show when they last updated? I want my blog to do that.
    Thanks for your help.
    Kimberly Fruge Haynes

  5. Nevermind Lyssa. I finally figured it out. Sorry for the bother.

  6. the twilight party will be burned in my brain forever!

    we're sisters so there are way too many both good and bad memory's to list :)

  7. ok, so besides our many "double" dates in high memory that clearly stands out in my mind is cruising the 8 with you and Christy (I was wearing my immitation of Rachel Green's pants and a purple tank top...I later found out that the outfit I was copying was from the "what if" episode, where it showed what if she had married Barry, and she was totally over the top and wore disgusting outfits) that was a side note...but I remember this so well because of the outfit, ANYWAY...we got sprayed by that fake poo! (and it stained my outfit and I never wore it again...thank GOODNESS)
    p.s. we still need to get together and watch your video tapes of our gallavanting days

  8. Where to start! I have so many fun memories with you. You are always the life of the party and so much fun to hang out with!

    At my going away party, you had me laughing so hard when we wer playing "Pit". You had us all smelling our pits and taking pictures of our pits. It was so funny. You are just so crazy I love it!

    How did your twilight party go by the way?

  9. ok lyssa, a funny memory i have about you. i don't know if you remember this but one night we were having a bon-fire in your backyard and your dad had the genius idea to pour about 2 gallons of gasoline on it to get it roarin', and yeah, i think my eyebrow's are still recoving from the explosion! ha ha.

  10. The first time I met you, you brought up my CriCut machine-which my husband was hiding from me and waiting to give it to me as a surprise. But I was too blonde to figure it out anyway. It all made sense when I finally got it!

  11. he he... I know I am a little late but I have to share this memory with you. Remember when you, me christie ward, devin mccabe, severin bozung, maybe anthony hansen too all dressed up like greasers from the movie Grease and filmed ourselves dancing and singing summer lovin happened so fast.... summer lovin happened so fast... met a boy cute as can be.... Oh how awesome were thought we were totally making like a music video.. and the funniest we put oranges in our bra's so we could have bigger boobs. I have that picture to I will have to find it. Loved those funny days... Go grease lightning.. go grease lightning!! love ya girl


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