
The Weekend

We have had a pretty productive past weekend. Saturday, we decided to hit Sea World since, I mean, we gotta use our season passes sometime now. Here are some pics from the excursion.

After we got back from Sea World, what else is there to do than watch PBS and their cooking shows! Yes, we are nerd and do that pretty much every Saturday. Anyone ever heard of America's Test Kitchen? It's great and they were making Old Fashioned Chocolate Layers Cake. Joe instantly wanted to make it but who ended up making it? Hmm? yes, nice little me. We couldn't do it on Saturday cause we just ran out of time. So we made, or I should say I made it on Sunday :) Here is the final product and it is scrumdeliscent!

So the real exciting thing happened this morning. I threw Kate a birthday party for turning ONE YEARS OLD!! I was busy preparing for it all weekend but I think it turned out real good. Thanks Jami for having it at your home and helping me prepare. Also, thanks Jaqline for helping me some really good chocolate covered pretzel rods!
Here's the food/write a special note for the Birthday girl area

Here's the main area. Jazmin gave me a good idea for decorating that she found on Martha Stewart. Cut out lots of "K"s and "1"s and put them all over the place so that's what I did and it looked awesome!

Mommy and Katers

Birthday Cake, yum!

Here's her One Year Old Layout. I had a matching page for people to sign.
Some friends came to help celebrate! Melissa J and Dylan, Erin and Luke, Jami and Madison!
Stephanie A. and Nicole and Bradley J.

Eating some yummy cake and having a great time..Happy GIrl!
Here's the "easy way out" for a "cake". I've always wanted a huge chocolate chip cookie cake when I was little and still do! To make it easy on me, I just bought a tub of already make cookie dough and make a huge one! It turned out great and was really yummy!

cakey, messing fingers!
Love this shot
Afterwards, we went swimming. Didn't get any pics. By that time, Kate was down for a nap and a good friend watched her while I had some Mommy & Emma time swimming. Thanks eeryone who came and helped celebrate this fun day with us!


  1. Sea World looked like so much fun. And that chocoate cake...I my how I want a piece. Again, sorry I missed the party. We really wanted to come, but you know what it's like waiting for repair men, they never come when they are supposed to and they give you this huge window of time they could be there so they can show up at the last possible minute. Anyway, the decorations were gorgeous and everything looked so girly. Happy Birthday Kate!

  2. How fun and how cute! I miss Sea World and Fiesta TX. If only we had ONE of those places around here!! Is that too much to ask?!?

    Anyway, Kate looks SO skinny in her swimsuit. She's really thinning out!

    Looks like the party was a great day. Everything looked so cute and well put together. I love all the Kate w/ Cake pictures. What a little doll! Happy Birthday kate!!

  3. Fun party, and you did a good job on the decorating! Nice work :)

  4. I can not believe she is already one. That cake looks yummy.

  5. i can't believe she is one! she is so cute and so is her mommy! way to be creative with all the decorations and cakes.

  6. saw your blog on the LDS women blogs site....just wanted to tell you I love the ideas you had for the birthday party! I loved the layout and I especially love the hanging letters/numbers.

  7. i can't believe that she is 1! i can't wait to see you all in a few months!
    you always have the best ideas for your parties and the decor turned out way cute. good job!

    we love you kate :)

  8. I loved all the "k's" and "1's" What a cue idea. You are so festive. So Kate is looking more and more like Emma. They are going to be twins! They are both adorable.

  9. We had a blast-you did such a cute job on decorating! Time sure does fly-it seems like you just had her yesterday.

  10. Happy Birthday Kate! What a fun party! You decorated so cute Lyssa! I can't believe how much Kate has thinned out. It makes me sad! She was so cute chubby, but she's cute skinny too.

  11. Happy Birthday to Kate! I can't believe she's already one. That was a great idea with the cookie cake - I may have to borrow that one sometime. Your kids are so cute!

  12. Lyssa, You have such beautiful girls. I love all the pics! I love the one with Kate looking up at the camera, so pretty!


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