
Giggly Girls

I finally had a camera near when they were playing together the other day. It's just too funny to watch them. Emma grabs Kate's feet. They both are laughing hysterically. Then I'm laughing hysterically. It's just too cute...


  1. Kate's "other" leg looks like it's gonna break off!! Poor thing. I guess if she's laughing though it can't hurt too bad. It's so fun when the kids have fun together like that. Craig and I often wonder when we are just sitting watching the kids, laughing, and having fun....what on earth would we be doing if we didn't have any kids? Life would be so boring!!

  2. Your girls are seriously so cute!! Everytime I see pics of them together I think of how much I want my next kid to be a girl. They are darling!

  3. How funny are they?! I never seem to have a camera handy for times like that!

  4. how cute, it looks like emma just might pull off one of kate's legs! ha ha

  5. They are so cute! My boys do the same thing but the little one cries the whole time Garrett is playing with him. Maybe he'll get used to it. I think it's so fun when they play good together. It will start getting easier and more fun. They are adorable!

  6. that is too funny about Emma unwrapping all your tampons. We went into the bathroom the other day and Eric had put a whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet. He's never even messed with TP before so that took us off guard!

    And happy B-day to Joe! 29! That is old! I can't believe I will be 24 this year! I keep thinking I'm 21. I have to remind myself I'm getting old too.

    Your girls are so cute! It looked like Emma and Kate are having so much fun! That is what Eric tries to do to Owen, but he dosn't enjoy it as much!

  7. So cute! I can't wait for my girls to play like that.

  8. So cute! I was impressed you had an extra outfit on hand at church yesterday!

  9. i love that emma is getting her skills in order since she will have to get used to the cousins attack mode when she is here!!!

    i love it! and can hardly wait!

  10. They are so adorable. It is crazy what kids enjoy-Madison loves stuff like that too-just look at Jamie's blog-she was laughing histerically while Eric was sitting on her bouncing up and down.

  11. K so I guess I thought I left a comment on your memory post... but I guess I didn't so ... I have so many fun memories with you... I totally love you! But anyways.. k here are a few. When we went up to Ricks for the summer before our senior year and got "boyfriends" who were so lame, and after we had gone back home they wanted to come visit us and we were both so disgusted that we would ever date them! We were trying to figure out how to not ever see them again. I think we ended up going to a football game with them or something. Barf, just thinking about it. Also this one makes me laugh so hard just thinking about it. but remember you had signed up for ballet or something and had to wear a leotard and tights and you were trying them on in the bathroom and we took pictures of all your awesome poses? I have to find a picture of that... Our roommates thought we were so retarded!

  12. How freakin hilarious is that. The poor young sibling they just talk so much crap from the older ones. They are so cute. I can't wait to have a girl. I hope they are as cute as those two girls of yours.

  13. Hey I left a memory of you on your game post check it out you will laugh


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