

Today is finally over. I traveled to Utah alone with 2 kids. I was anticipating this day for months and i'm just glad it's over. And I can say that it went surprisingly well. I made sure to buys TONS of food for the girls to snack on the whole time in the airport and plane. And then I bought a bunch of new stuff for Emma to play with. The 2 things that saved me were the "color wonders" by Crayola. They are the markers that only mark on special paper. At HEB, there was a little set with Cars pictures and I knew that would be perfect. THe other thing was a "Paper craft" set I bought at Dollar Tree. It came with like 400 little stickers that distracted Emma for 1/2 the flight! I am just so thankful that it all went well and we are all safe! Now onto adjusting to family and time changes. I'll be here for 2 weeks, for my sister's wedding. Anyone in the area wanting to hang out or catch-up, let's do it! Pictures will be coming shortly. And obviously the computer problem isn't a problem since my familyhas working computers..yeah!


  1. congratulations!!!
    man, I am SOOO impressed with you! I kept thinking as I was bouncing with Matilda in the aisle of the plane "what in the heck am I going to do with two?!?" Now I know. Delicious foods, sticker books, and color wonder books.
    Got it.
    Good job! I hope you have a FABULOUS time!
    p.s. emma's little elephant swimsuit is my most favorite swimsuit in the world.

  2. I'm glad your flight went well. I've only traveled with one, I can't imagine two on the plane and in the airport. Have a great time and enjoy your friends and family.

  3. lyss,
    I work 10-4 mon and tues.
    other than that I am pretty much open for anything (except during nap time 11-2 ish :))
    email me!

  4. I'm so glad you survived your travels! I hope you have fun with family and all the festivities of a wedding.

  5. Hey!!! lets try and get together while you are here... I will be out of town this next week but if you have time lets try and get everyone together. Glad you arrived safely.

    Love, Suzette

  6. Lyssa you are a trooper, just traveling with myself while being pregnant was a chore. I can never bring enough to eat! Glad all the toys worked, anything to distract, right? Have fun in Utah, it is so beautiful in the fall!!


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