
"You want a Christmas Card.....?

"You want a Christmas card? Here's your stinkin' Christmas card!" -Seinfeld

Well as much as I would have loved to have sent all of you our Christmas card picture, we just don't have the means for such this year, only family received what you see in the header. But on a good note, i'm just glad I did something this year! This is a first for us so you better like it! ;)

Happy Holidays!


  1. cute picture and i love the outfits

  2. love the picture & cute outfits!!
    happy (late) birthday lyssa!
    hope ya'll have a merry christmas too. Ü

  3. What a cute Christmas card and darling family. I love the girls outfits with the fun tights!

  4. Cute header Lys!! And what a good looking family! I LOOOOOVE the girl's tights! So cute!

    We didn't do any letter this year either. I figure with money so tight, everyone we know checks out our blog and knows what's going on anyway:)

  5. Ok, that's our favorite line from Seinfield ever! Paul I think gets way more X-mas cards then he needs ;)

    Anyways, I love the picture of your family, that is adorable! I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!

  6. What a cute family! I love this card. I love all your cute outfits too!

  7. Love the Seinfeld reference! The girls are so CUTE and big!! I can hardly wait to have the cousins play together soon! Why didn't you show a little "nip" in the card Lyssa?????

  8. I'm glad you got your family picture taken! It looks great and I love the outfits you got! Happy Birthday!

  9. Hey Lyssa, holy crap how are you? It has been so long since I've seen you. Your little girls are so beautiful. It is great to see how you are doing. You live in TX??!! Anyway, I hung out with both your sisters on Friday. Weird? Ha ha. No seriously you should move back here, then we could hang out! I'm glad I found you though, and now we can keep in touch.

  10. Great outfits!


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