
Christmas Festivities

Well i've been behind with posting things this month so here's a recap of the month:
We set Christmas up about a week into Dec...we were a bit behind but just glad we got them up before Christmas!

Then our Annual Sugar Cookie Making!!!
The girls helped me make the cookies and it was interesting. There were some power struggles between Emma and I but I had to just pick the battles because I was about to pull out my hair!
But they had lots of fun playing with the dough, frosting them and then of course, eating it!

More pics to come on the actual Christmas!

so sketchy challenges

Here are a few things I made tonight, courtesy of So Sketchy!

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pagemaps challenge

Had to get this done and many more too before we leave for the holidays!!

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"You want a Christmas Card.....?

"You want a Christmas card? Here's your stinkin' Christmas card!" -Seinfeld

Well as much as I would have loved to have sent all of you our Christmas card picture, we just don't have the means for such this year, only family received what you see in the header. But on a good note, i'm just glad I did something this year! This is a first for us so you better like it! ;)

Happy Holidays!


Just had to post these pics of Kate. She's getting such a fun personality.


GOing for a vintage look on this one...

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I'm trying to find my own style. I really like the simple, clean, stong look.

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