
One Week

This post is mainly for Grandparents.

I'm so proud of myself, not posting for 2 weeks! It feels so invigorating!
Anyways, here are some recent pics of our little family.
And we have 1 more week till we find out what our future holds for the next year...

Swiper, No Swiping! Swiper, No Swiping! Swiper, No Swiping!


  1. so many fun pictures!! your girls are growing up!

  2. So did you guys apply for residencies or something? I'm out of the loop with what's going on school-wise with all of the outgoing people. At any rate, way to be almost through with dental school! I love your family picture at the top of your blog, by the way. :)

  3. Kate looks so grown up! She isn't a baby anymore. I love the shot of the cat. Your girls are just too darn cute. I hope I get another girl whenever (if ever :-)) Tyler will let me have another.

  4. How exciting! Keep us updated!

  5. Your girls are so stinkin cute! And they're getting so big!

  6. You really have such beautiful children!

  7. Beautiful girls-love the dimples SO much. Can't believe how time flies-they are so grown up and you are leaving soon-NOOOOOOOOO!

  8. How cute is Emma's yellow/brown dress?!

  9. fun pics! whose cat are they playing with? did you find out yet where u are going?


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