
house hunting

Well the good news is that we made it to Vegas and are currently looking for homes to rent. We actually found one we (I) love and put in an application to rent it. Now we wait to see if we get it.

House hunting is not fun.

And this is only for a rental. I can't imagine the annoyance and time it will take when we take the plunge in actually buying a home.

In other news, I'm staying with my cousin Steph and her husband Brent. It's been great. They seriously know how to take care of their visitors. It's felt like a bed and breakfast. And they've taken us down to the strip and showed us around. They know the area so well so they've helped us to know what areas to stick with when looking for a house to rent.

So thanks Steph & Brent, it's been great to stay with you! We're excited to live near you :)

In other other news, if we get the house we have applied for, we are out of here tomorrow morning. Otherwise, we are here till we find something...i'm hoping for the first.

In other other other news,
Wanted to give a shout out to my sisters!
Jenny landed a English teaching job at the good ol' Alumni, Lone Peak High School!!

Katie landed an awesome interview that was on the news yesterday in honoring Mother's. Katie's the best & strongest example for a Mom. Check out the interview HERE!!

In other other other other news,

I miss my girls!

( I wipe my eyes...I seriously miss them so much. Life is so boring with out them! Love you Emma and Kate!)


  1. I hope you get the house!!! How exciting! What a fun stage in life.

  2. I go crazy when we leave Micaela with her grandparents overnight. Can't imagine how you're feeling now.

  3. How exciting, I hope you get the house you want. What part of Vegas? I know it's hard to be away from your kids. We left Kallon for two weeks when he was just over a year old, but enjoy it while you can. As soon as you get home and they do something naughty you will wish you were still gone!:) Aww, the joys of being a mother.

  4. I hope the house stuff is all settled soon. It really can be so stressful; even if it is just a rental! Good luck!!

  5. Hope things went well! It's frustrating trying to figure out what to do. Can't wait to see your new pad!! haha

  6. Congrats on finding a house. We were able to find one in a neighborhood that we liked. I know you missed your girls but wasn't that alone time great!

  7. good luck with the house hunting... the further away from the strip the better! ha ha

  8. love you!!!

    and congrats on the house :)


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