
What we've been doing while Joe's been off...

I think these pics are not in chronological order but oh well!
We live in a great area where there are lots of things to do outside. We first hit Red Rock Canyon, which is like 10 minutes from our house. We hit the free trails and hiked all around the "red mountains", as Emma called them. The girls had so much fun. Actually, everyone had fun. We lucked out on the day we went because the weather wasn't bad at all.

K well since I haven't been posting any pics of me being pregnant because, well, I am realizing that this time around, my pregnant self is NOT flattering at all. But here I am 2 weeks ago at 20 weeks.

Then we live about 40 minutes from Mt. Charleston so we drove up there on a really hot day. It was super cool and great to hike around the mountains. Joe was trying to do extreme hiking with the kids by going off trail but it was fun once we got down off the cliffs! We found a trail that lead to a small waterfall so that was fun.

OTher than that, we've just been relaxing and getting everything squared away. I have more pics of what we've been doing so I'll try to get those up.


  1. That looks so fun! I am jealous because it is SO hot here that we really are stuck indoors. It it 105F this week! Even the pool isn't cutting it.
    Your pregnant self is very cute. I don't know what you're talking about. And I love that you can pull off long hair. No fair.

  2. I love all the outdoor things to do around Vegas. People come here expecting the Strip to do all the entertaining, but there are a ton of cool things to do that don't involve flashy lights! It's good to see that you're out there and seeing things.

  3. I'm SOO glad you've been able to take advantage of what's around!! Looks like so much fun!

  4. You guys have definitely been busy but how fun! I'm still a little sad that we didn't move down there. :-( We are still in Alpine and probably will be here until next year. Tyler is sick of the commute but with my job so close and free rent we can't pass it up. Tyler really wants to move to SLC next fall thought so we'll see. So back to that onsie... so when you wash it does it give the edge a frayed look?? or are the edges folded under? Don't know if that makes sense. As for the diaper bag it really is easy. The instructions are simple to read and I've made 4 or 5 bags since mine for baby gifts. Love them! It's a little time consuming but not bad. Cristina Spigarelli made one in just a few hours. As for fabric I have used anything from super heavy (like curtain) fabric to super light Joanne's cheap cotton fabric. My favorite fabric is the cotton's from a quilting store. I think the quality is a little better and I didn't want it to fall apart in the wash. And it hasn't! yay for that! Since I didn't use the canvas material I just used a medium weight interfacing instead of super lightweight on the cotton fabrics. Just read the instructions over and over before starting and you'll do great! Also the peltex craft stabilizer that I got at Walmart didn't seem to be enough. So I would buy a 1/2yd instead of 1/4 yd. I should have just e-mailed all this. Sorry its long. If you have any questions don't hesitate to e-mail me. Good luck and I want to see it when it's done.

  5. Lys, your prego body is still very cute! Your belly isn't even that big for how far along you are!

    How fun that you guys went "exploring" as a family. We need to explore Idaho more. I would have been SO nervous around those cliffs with the kiddos, you are brave!! But it looks like you had fun.

  6. That's crazy that my brother was in your class... which one?
    You look cute pregnant! I'm jealous. Also, how fun to be able to be outdoors and breathe. I die whenever I step outside here. Too hot and humid! Enjoy your time with Joe off!

  7. Looks like you guys have been having a fun time! I'm glad!!!

    The weather is toooo hot to even go outside! BLAH

    Can't wait till December when it actually cools down!


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