
Tour De Vegas Home

Well my house is finally "viewable" for you :)
Can I just tell you that I am not ever living in an apartment ever again after living in a house?

Ya, it's true.

Ok so here it goes:
This is our living room. To the right of this picture is the front door.

For those of you who had seen my living quarters before, I had a "black" theme going. I didn't like it anymore. It was just too dark. I needed soemthing light! So I took frames and shelves and repainted them white and sanded them a bit to give them an antique look. I am quite pleased with the end result!

And those dark red pillows are no more! I made some pillow covers so they now look like this:

Now onto the dining room, which is to the left of the living room.
We finally got a new dining set! It's been 5 years coming. But I found one I loved and had to get it. Luckily, it was one of the cheaper ones at RC Willey so we got a great deal!

Kitchen time, which is left of the dining room. I LOVE this kitchen. It's about 3x's bigger than the previous one I had...I love all the counter space and room!

Now there are other things downstairs like a hallway bathroom, shoe closet and laundry room with a door that goes out to the 2-car garage but didn't take pics. But they are next to the stairs. Up the stairs, to the left is a big loft, perfect for toys!

If you would have gone straight from the stairs, you would have hit the girls room

It's nice having them share. These rooms are a bit smaller than the ones we had before but it's fine. Soon, REAL soon, kate will say Bye Bye to the crib and sleep in a toddler bed just like Emma's...twinners!
The sliding door to the outside is in the dining room. Yes we have a backyard! And it's very "deseretesque" But I love the fake grass that you don't have to maintain :)

And this is what our house looks like on the outside except it's formated on the other side, meaning the front door is on the other side of the house. I didn't want to go outside at the minute and take a picture so I looked it up. My house wasn't on the real estate listing anymore but I found this one. So you can imagine...oh and imagine the shutters a bright teal color... ya you can't miss it!
So there you have it, our home for the next year. We love the area, neighborhood and this little home. We don't love the weather. So thank you for taking this tour with us. And there will be more pics later of our goings on.


  1. I love how you've decorated it. And the pillows are a very nice touch. We need to get together while we're both in town for the moment :)

  2. Your house looks great, Lyssa - I love it! Good job on the pillows, frames, and shelves!

  3. What a nice place to live for the next year! I hear ya on not going back to an apartment! I bet you are love, love, love'n the extra space. Everything looks great and I love the kitchen table! I can't wait to get a new one (some day) :)

  4. I love it! It looks great! You are such a cute decorater and so creative. Love the dining room table too!

  5. everthing looks so cute! good job!

  6. your new house looks perfect for your family! I'm glad your enjoying it!

  7. its so cute lyssa.. you did such a good job decorating and being all crafty!

  8. You have such a cute house! I love your back yard. YOur fake grass looks great!! I wouldn't go back to an apartment either. Having a house with your own walls and a yard is so nice.

    I love your kitchen! You did a great job with the pictures and the pillows.

  9. I'm loving the dining set! Very cute. Hope things are going well in Vegas!

  10. love love what you did to the picture frames! And I'm so glad you can sew. The green pillow covers really freshens it up. Ok so when I come visit, will you let me paint? I would love love to paint that brown drawer set that's by the kitchen that has a lamp on's not really featured in the photo. But I think it would look awesome being like a swimming pool blue, orrr if you wouldn't want to be too out a green or something. Just a thought! Love the dinning set too.


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!