
Vegas Visitors

The family had a special treat this past weekend. My sister was able to come visit for the weekend. It was so so so fun for all of us, but especially Emma and Kate.

Emma has a healthy obsession for my sister, Jenny.

Kate has an unhealthy obsession for Aaron, Jenny's boyfriend, who came down as well. We'll just leave it at that...

We hit the pool for 2 of the days and hit the strip too. It was a great weekend for both. There was a bit of an overcast so it was bearable to be outside.

Kate has no fear when it comes to crazy things like this. She craves it!

That's Aaron with Kate and Jenny is with Emma. Talk about a nice break from the kids. The girls just wanted constant attention from these two, which left Joe and I to do nothing, awesome.

me and jenny

We hit the strip but not for too long. Everyone was exhausted, including myself. It was really humid this past weekend too, which gave me bad memories of TX summers...uck...

When visitors don't keep me busy and company, I have found ways to keep busy so I don't go insane while we stay in side to beat the heat.

Well that's it for now. Please, any other visitors are more than welcome to come to Vegas ;) ;)


  1. Your baby quilt turned out so cute! I love it. I hope you get some cooler weather soon.

  2. I love, love, love the quilt!!! You're soooo talented. I don't know if I could ever do anything like that, especially with two kids.

  3. I love that quilt! The fabrics go so well together. Do you have a pattern you can post? If it's easy, I want to try!

  4. Holy CRAP! you did soooo good!I'm speechless for the second time today! the colors are sooo awesome!

  5. I just love love love the quilt!!!!! Love the colors too!

  6. I agree with everyone else; the quilt is totally adorable. I also agree that boy names are SUPER hard. We have tons of girl names ready and waiting...maybe one day I'll get to use one. :)

    We have always found that we receive the most visitors when we live in Vegas. Who doesn't want to visit Vegas!?

  7. awesome quilt!
    i love it! so, did you "quilt" it on each of the seams from where you peiced it?
    i love it!
    Grrrrrrrrreat work!

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE the quilt!! You did awesome. I need to make a couple twin size ones for the boys, any pointers I need to know about? Really, you did one heck of a job!!!

    And I think Craig and I need to make a visit to Vegas with ya'll before ya move too soon!

  9. Ok, I'm confused. I thought Jenny was married?? So is Aaron her BOY-friend or boyfriend?

  10. Looks like you had an awesome time with Jenny in town. And that quilt is amazing! Where do you find time to make such things? You're so talented!

  11. Okay so I am jealous of several things!! #1 you look fantastic and not even big...I feel like a huge elephant and we are due at the same time??? Not FARE!!! hahaha #2 Your quilt is gorgeous and I wish I had the talent to do something like that!! #3 not so much Jealous but envious at what a great sister you have!! (not that I don't have great sister(s)). I miss you guys tonz and miss all of our get togethers we used to have. Well I am definatly going to come visit you in vegas and we can complain about being pregnant in the summer together (I absolutly loath it)!!!

  12. That quilt is amazing! I will take any pointers you've got--as soon as I get the gumption. Such cute fabric too--that's the part that kills me $$. Glad you had some family time:)

  13. I love the quilt! It's awesome. I'm going to pay you to make me one of those when I need it. I love it. Vegas looks awesome. Love you guys.

  14. lyss lyss. Love that you get me. "Represent." Anyway, I left a few comments along the way of catching up with your life via blog. on the house tour post and the "no style" post. I know know that you don't know know how BEAUTIFUL you are! You have so much natural beauty that it makes me sick. Plus you are so talented. Who would just sew up some pillow covers? Next time you come out here or I go there, lets go shopping! Even if the kids are kicking and screaming (I don't know if your kids like to shop, but Holland was literally born to shop...if she is in her stroller)

  15. ok so before I had missed the invite for visitors...I was just inviting myself. So nice to get a formal invite =) Plus I MUST mention that quilt. Yeah, I would love to be as talented as you. I keep saying when I get a sewing room. But that may never happen so I'll just have to start now. And love that you crotched (is that right? It was the word crotch in it?) a RUG.

  16. I love your quilt. The colors and the fabric are so cute!

  17. looks like fun.. you are looking adorable preggers and i love that quilt too. good work miss crafty.

  18. Great job Lyssa! You never cease to amaze me with your craft prowess! Cannon left a tag ball you made him at our house the other day and I was amazed at how professional it looked! You are incredible and I think you should know it! Sorry about the heat! It's pretty much indoors most of the time here, too. It will pass!

  19. I LOVE the quilt!! Very, VERY cute! Great work!!


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