
Feeling Nestish & a Great find!

I admit it, I am definitely nesting right now. I know what's to come so i'm doing as much as I can before #3 gets here. So the other night, I made some of these. The black one was made from a tutorial from Little Birdie Secrets. The other two, I just cut out circles and pinned them together with a brad then hot glued them to a snap clip. Real easy!
Made another onesie. I am obsessed. I love looking at Etsy for ideas. And I have so many extra squares from my quilt that they are perfect to these.

And this is my Fabulous Find. Got this at the Las Vegas .99 cent store! Yep, this little package was a dollar! I love the style! So it wasn't exactly from a thrift store but I count dollar stores as such!
I linked this to Homebody: Thrifty Thursday!


  1. I just found your blog through the DIY Show Off, and am so impressed! You have some seriously cute stuff - I will definitely be checking back!

  2. great post! Wow, that boy is gonna be blinged out!! I bet the older siblings are getting excited about the baby. blessings to ya.

  3. What an adorable onesie!
    Great deal on the frames...thanks for joining TST!

  4. Cute onesie!
    The frames were a great deal :)


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