
2 weeks of life.

By now, Luke is almost 3 weeks old. But these pics are of him being 2 weeks old.
With the girls back home, things have really become chaotic around here. That with no sleep, we don't do a whole lot around here. Also, with the whole H1N1 attack on society, getting out of the house is the last thing I want to do. So I am experiencing some cabin fever. But it's totally worth it!

Luke had some mild jaundice and told us to give him some sun baths. Joe made some tanning goggles for pretty funny.
Kate loves "ruke" and constantly asks to say hi to him and hold him. She will just come up to him and snuggle. She's seriously a sweetheart.
Here's the gang the night they came back from UT. Jenny & Aaron were troopers for driving them 6 hours with my kids. But they did awesome. We were so glad to have them home!
Emma loves to sing songs to Luke, like "Child of God" & "Little Seeds" and other primary songs. Emma is such a great big sister. She becomes very concerned when he starts crying and consoles him. I love my girls.

I managed to take these on Veterans day. He is seriously the most adorable baby boy that i've ever seen in. my. life. I love this kid....(however, not loving the sleep schedule that he is on )


  1. That Ruke IS pretty darn adorable!! Your girls all of a sudden look HUGE compared to little brother! I hope you are doing well Lyssa. I wish I lived closer, I would take the girls for a day to play and let you have a break :( (and to love your little boy up)

    Thanks for posting new pictures, I know it's a big task with little ones around! I loved all the new pics!

  2. He is so darn cute!! How fun to have the girls back but I can imagine how rotten the whole no sleep and taking care of 3 could be. I have a hard enough time taking care of one on little sleep. Hang in there. Hope he starts sleeping better soon.

  3. I LOOOVE Luke's chunky cheeks! I'm getting really eager to see my little boy (though he can wait to come til 37 weeks). You have the most adorable family. It was so great to see you Saturday! Thank you Joe for releasing Lyssa from the house for a little while :)

  4. He's cute & chubby! I wish i could hold him! i miss babies!

  5. cuuuute. he is so cute. the tanning goggles are hilarious. Hope everyone is doing well and that you are managing with all 3. Love you guys.

  6. I can't believe it's been 3 weeks allready! He's adorable and seems like the girls adjusted well. Hope you and joe are good!

  7. He is just SO cute - I love the pictures! I'm glad that your girls are doing well too. You have such an adorable family!


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