
A big thanks

Just wanted to let all you commenters that I appreciate you!
Seriously, I love reading your comments.
They make me feel so much better.

Things have gotten a lot better since that one explosion.
Joe accepted a job in Pasco, WA!
It is located in the Tri-Cities, WA area. That was what our road trip was about last week.
I loved it up there and was really excited about living there. Joe just had to make sure it was a good decision. He thought through his options and negotiated with his boss. On Saturday, after it all, he called him up and took the job.

So now looking at my past post, I feel sheepish! haa haa

But seriously, it felt good to get that out of my head.
Now we move forward, right?
Time to look for houses to rent.
Time to dejunk my house.
Time to pack.

Anyways, thanks again for all your awesome words.

PS-anyone looking for boxes, hit Payless. They get awesome boxes, awesome condition and they get weekly shipments in. That's where i've been getting mine and in a few weeks time, I have all my boxes! Anyone in Vegas, I have dibs on Boca Park Payless. K thanks :)

I may or may not have....

Grabbed a pallet that was sitting on the side of the road the other day.


To make these:

Courtesy of Ana over at Knock-Off Wood.

Knock-Off Wood
How could you not try these shelves?!
I see Pallets for free every stinkin' day on Craigslist. It took her about 5 minutes to make them.
It probably won't be that fast for me, but I feel this little project is doable!

This lady is amazing and has inspired me to do what I have always loved to do...make furniture MYSELF!

I did woodworking in Junior high and high school.
I loved that class.
I love making things by myself.
What a sense of accomplishment!

And her blog is just plans and measurements of how to make your own adorable furniture. They are all "knock-offs" of Pottery Barn furniture.

So i am going to attempt these shelves with my pallet that is in the back of my van right now. I will let you know how it goes.
After that, my next project is making bunk beds for the girls. I am so excited for that!

Most women want purses, shoes or perfume for Mother's day.

For me?

I want a:
Miter Saw
Electric Sander
Electric Saw

Not too much to ask, right?

Emma's Drawings on Display

 The ward did a talent show and Emma turned in these drawings she did of Disney princesses and her family

We are home.

We just got home from a 5-day road trip up to Washington. We came home last night at 10 pm.

Hours later....

Proof that I do something around here!
dining table not pictured because, well, it never stays clean these days.

Homemade Freezer Raspberry Jam Tutorial

From here on out, let's not be intimidated by jams. They are so easy to make. I know you read this a ton but seriously, if I can do this, anyone can!

Let's start with what you need:
-3 c. crushed fresh or frozen berries (to smash frozen, thaw out and use a blender)
-a package of Pectin
-5 1/4 c. sugar
-5 8 oz. clean containers (ones that will be okay in the freezer)

Here we go!
Step One:
Go buy your supplies :)
I used fresh raspberries.
As you can see, I was super excited about making jam and was raspberry-happy. But for this recipe, I only used 2 of these cartons or how ever much comes to 3 cups crushed.
This is the Pectin that I bought, Sure Jell. And the recipe I am tutoring right now is found in the box. So you can't go wrong!
Containers, I used the rectangle ones and found them at the dollar store...awesome.

Step Two:
Rise the fruit thoroughly.

Step Three:
Prepare Fruit. I am using Raspberries but Sure Jell has instructions inside their box for preparing all types of fruits. Put fruit in bowl and start smashing. I used a potato masher. You could use a blender but be careful when you do that. It can become too mushy and liquidy too fast. So do not puree! Jam is supposed to have bits of fruit in it.
Step Four:
Add sugar and mix until sugar has dissolved. Then let stand for 10 minutes.
Step Five: Stir package of Pectin and 3/4 c. water in sauce pan and bring to a boil on high heat, stirring constantly. Boil 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.
Step Six: Stir Pectin mixture into fruit mixture. Stir constantly until sugar is completely dissolved and no longer grainy, about 3 minutes.

Step Seven: Pour into prepared containers. Leave about a 1/2 inch space at top for expansion during freezing. Cover with lid.

Step Eight: Let stand at room temperature for 24 hours. Afterwards, place in freezer for up to a year. (thaw in fridge when ready to eat) Or it can be refrigerated up to 3 weeks.

It is so so yummy and so so easy. A must!! Go and be domestic!


I seriously can't take it any longer!
My mind is going to explode.
Have you ever had a problem that couldn't be resolved? You couldn't figure out how to fix it?

Well that's my life right now, for many reasons.

#1: Getting a job..need I say more?

#2: No TIME- Since Luke came (which I am not at all blaming him), I have a hard time finding time for anything other than the bare necessities for my family aka cleaning and food. But even the cleaning is difficult to find time too.

#3: Lack of Motivation

#4: Organizing aka dejunking...

#5: packing/moving in 2 months..(ahh I just peed my pants from fright)

My mind is so so so overwhelmed that I don't know where to start, which means nothing gets done. When nothing gets done, things just build up in my mind, which then leaves me more overwhelmed.

And things stressing me out are what is listed above. How does one find the time when you have 3 kids at home...and the 2 eldest don't nap and the 3rd baby kind of squawks at you all day long...and the middle child wakes up every night needing to go potty and then goes a few drops and you are thinking, Kate, what the *&$%? Please hold it till the morning!! you are tired during the which you watch movies or go on-line...and then you look at the clock and it's already 4 and you are so grateful that your husband has to work tonight until 9 so you don't have to make a "dinner" but will need to figure out what to make the kids: mac & cheese, cheese quesadilla or spaghettios..all the while the screaming from all 3 kids won't stop and you don't have time to just collect yourself and breathe and just so grateful that some good came from lack of dairy in your diet or else who knows what would happen to your mental state if you also had to worry about losing 25 lbs, all the while the house looks like crap....

so that's my train of thought on a daily basis...Any help on timesaving tips or something? Easy ways to earn money for a nanny or to fly any relative here and help?
I would love the help!

PS this blog is also stressing me because I am so far behind. March was a busy month for us, which means lots of I know where to start? no. it'll be a miracle if I get caught up.

Rest and Relaxation

We took Kate to the Dr's to get a blood test to see if she has any allergies. Since she was about  a year old, she has on and off thrown up. We chalked it up to reflux due to what our pediatrician in San Antonio told us. But recently, the medication wasn't helping. Our pediatrician here in Las Vegas asked if we've ever tested for allergies. Nope! So here we are, about to wait for results. And Kate is worn out. It was not a fun appointment.

Luke is just having a ball on the foor though!

This boy loves to eat!