
We are home.

We just got home from a 5-day road trip up to Washington. We came home last night at 10 pm.

Hours later....

Proof that I do something around here!
dining table not pictured because, well, it never stays clean these days.


  1. So is the plan to move up to Washington? Let me know if I can take your girls for a few hours while you pack and get ready to move.

  2. Please know that I thoroughly appreciate the before and after house pictures--I know what went into that and you deserve much validation and praise!!! It pleases me that SOMEONE is getting housework done.
    Yes, what are the details of this mysterious trip to WA? I would love to go to WA, BTW...didn't we discuss this once? Way to go, if you're going where you want! Update me on what's going on and when...I would love to help if I'm not in labor:)

  3. I swear I was looking at my house...well at least the before pictures. =) I hope I can get somewhat organize today as well.


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