
Hopefully soon

I am so lame these days. But I do have a good excuse really. I just finished to WA
I am dying to do/make something but it's just not logical right now.
My house looks like a explosion site and I expected that. I've moved enough times to not set too high of expectations on myself.
Otherwise, I would feel pretty crappy right now!
But in my down time, I look through other blogs, most of them are just awesome. And through my searchings, I have found this website, Have you heard of it?
They have things from Dining room furniture to wall decor & bed sheets. THey are awesome and have everything you will need.
We are currently looking for bunk beds for my girls so I decided to see whta they got. They have a exclusive shopping site JUST for bunkbeds...I mean, they have over 200+ websites!!
You can find anything! We also need a rug...
Anyways, thought I would let you know about it because it's pretty cool!
And hopefully soon, the moving madness will be over and I can start doing fun decor stuff for my house!

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