
July and Kate's Big Day

Hot = Water.
Water + Kids = Happiness

Moving from Vegas, we were prepared for the heat.  This little pool/sprinkler fish is perfect for all ages.  It's shallow enough for Luke to play in it as well as Emma to jump through the sprinklers.
As I was setting the fish up, the kids came out.  I put Luke down near the door and went inside to grab something.  When I went back out, he was already on it, playing with the small sprinklers that were coming out. 

Luke Loves Me Too.
Kate's 3rd Birthday
just ignore my houseKate was so excited for her birthday.  We were preparing her for it all month.  And I had to make sure I got her what she wanted.
We had some waffles for breakfast. 
And this little girl can really make your heart melt. 
Biggest Sweetheart Ever.

She got some awesome presents!
Very Ariel-Obsessed.
All jazzed up.
Any mother out there with an Ariel-Obsessed daughter (or son, I guess), I recommend this necklace.
It sings the imfamous Ariel voice. 
You know which one i'm talking about..
ahhhhhh ahhhhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhhhhh......
For dinner, we went to Eatsa Pizza.  The kids loved eating out.
Luke was a champ at the grown-up food.

Arcade?  Awesome.  We got a few tokens from their meals so we let them play.

Disclaimer:  I am a mother, not a cake decorater.
Just wasnt feeling it this year, I guess.
My attempts at making an Ariel Cake.
The singing and blowing of the candles.
If you notice in this one, Kate leans right over to blow, causing her hair to ignite of fire.
Joe quickly grabs it and smashes the fire out.  (so fast that I don't think she even noticed it!)
Happy Birthday Kate!


  1. Looks like she loved her birthday! She sure is a cute little 3 year old! I LOVE this age of little girls. They just really start to get into the girly stuff and it's so fun!

  2. I'm so jealous of your bright green grass! :)

    Love the fish sprinkler.

    Glad to see you're settling into the new place.

  3. I think the cake turned out pretty good. I don't think I would be brae enough to try a doll cake.

    I love the picture of Kate on the couch with the green pillow. She is so sweet!

  4. It always looks like you guys are having so much fun! Maybe bc your kids have one fun mamma!
    I love the Ariel cake, is it your Cinderelle cake with a different head?=)
    Hey, I've been meaning to tell you. I love how supportive you are of me and my decor obsession. I hope you keep saying "when you have money" in terms of, "when I have money that I want to spend on decor," bc I would NEVER in 100 million years (unless you were 100 million dollar millionaires...charge you for my assistance. Whenever you want to spend money on something, send word my way and I'll help you find some fun stuff. That's what I've been doing with my sister's house and it's really just a hobby for me. And a place to put all of my WWW hours=)
    Love you girlie!

  5. How did I forget to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE! you are a beautiful girl!

  6. Hi there Lyssa! You won a giveaway over at The Dress-up Drawer! Come on over to claim your win.
    Adorable kiddos!!


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